Road Rage

by teenyuck 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    I started yelling at the person and mouthed "Read My Lips...You Are a FucXing idiot." I yelled some more and tried to pass. About 3 minutes passed while I was behind this vechicle.

    She stopped, looked at me and said "Oh, by the way, I CAN read lips."

    She came by later and apologized for driving slow. She was in her boyfriends car and was not paying attention--

    So, let's see... she saw you cussing her out, read your lips... after that, three more minutes went by... but she was not paying attention. Hmm...

  • Bendrr

    Hey Detective, aren't you from Georgia? (maybe I'm thinking of another poster so if you aren't then my bad)

    If so then you know that around here if you get out of the car with a crossbow you're likely to be in the obits as the dumbass that brought a crossbow to a gunfight.

    Y'all gotta understand something about what road rage is really all about. I don't mean road-rage in the way the media portrays it, when a couple of dipsticks go postal in traffic. I refer to road rage as in righteous indignation. When some other driver displays a selfish and careless disregard for the safety of others that one must take action. If there are no law enforcement present, it is your duty to call attention to the acts of said dumbass.

    These people that drive like they own the road are not only endangering you, they're a threat - a clear and present danger - to all other motorists they share the road with. That includes our kids folks!

    As a side point, should said dumbass decide to escalate the situation....I've got a loaded .45 and a license to carry. Bring it on!


  • detective


    Nope. I'm from massachusetts. It happened here about nine years ago. The fellow who was shot with the crossbow was unarmed and had not touched the man. He was shot as he was approaching him. It was incredibly stupid to get out of his car in the first place but obviously he didn't deserve to die because of his stupidity.

    Righteous indignation is fine but I think people are wise to keep it to themselves. I usually just tell myself to let it go...let it go...

    I might be cussing madly in my head but there are way to many wackos out there.

  • outoftheorg

    Hi to all you road ragers.

    Having been a sheriffs deputy in So. Calif. I have seen the results of road rage. It was never a pretty sight. Some of the officers also had this problem. So the department had a psych. give us ideas to help in this area. Strangely enough the one that seemed to work the best was to intentionaly emit a small chuckle when one felt the anger starting to build and then emit a small laugh. Surprise surprise, almost everyone said it worked. It does work for me.

    Another thing I noticed was when I was in the borg. I was always some what angry. I didn't know it at the time but my kids told me I was and in looking back I can see that I was.

    Guess what? When I got out of the borg I noticed and my kids tell me that I an not angry all the time.

    Try this chuckle- laugh thing . You will have to force it the first few times. It could save you from some maniac shooting you

  • SixofNine

    If you are truly a defensive, anticipating driver, then you've seen it all. Why get worked up when someone does something irritating? If you drive much, it happens on a continual basis. Why be angry all the time? After all, it is your choice whether or not to get angry about it, right?

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    ps...I&P I never do anything either, but I think the most terrible things LOL...I do swear out loud though, for some reason I feel a lot of relief...maybe there's a mantra for overcoming road rage lol.

    you know why i don't do anything? 'cause it's not worth it to me to get all worked up. i usually jyst let people cut me off, tailgate etc.

    i will change lanes to get away from them, then they drive on and they are out of my life. (but that neighbor dude scared me)

    repeat after me: calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean haha

  • Beck_Melbourne

    There was a funny bumper sticker on the back of a 4wheeldrive the other day, it read:

    "If you tailgate me I'll pick my nose and flick a boogey onto your windsreen!"

    Gross but funny!

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