OFFICIAL: Bill Bowen Was DF'ed

by ErieGuy 36 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ErieGuy
  • ErieGuy

    New Jersey Newspaper"

  • FreeFallin

    Thanks ErieGuy, for all the links.


  • avengers
    Master Member

    Posts: 840
    Since: Oct 4, 2001
    Re: BILL BOWEN DISFELLOWSHIPPED! Jul 26, 2002 09:52

    Oh oh. I'm not DF'd at this moment. I will from this moment on shut my mouth forever.

    Just a few seconds ago my JW ex wife said my son George (13) cannot see me anymore because I am bad influence.

    Why? Because I opened my mouth. The WT has indeed paralyzed more minds this summer with their propaganda.

    Dear Watchtower, I shall never speak my mind again. come out for my opinions. I will shut up forever

    That's what they want.

    How paralyzed are you?

  • SYN

    Bill, your descriptions of the trial made it clear that it was truly a kangaroo court. What kind of court doesn't allow the accused to plead their case? We have to blow this thing up to huge proportions, get it on CNN and BBC, so people all over the world can see how such serious matters that affect the lives of thousands are dealt with by the Society. Bravo, Bill.

  • LyinEyes

    Oh Bill, I have been crying all morning about our d/a , and now I am crying for you. This is so wrong, just because we have a different opinion or do something they say is not their way , we get thrown away. All the years , and it is over in a few days. At least you made your mark on the world , you opened the eyes of many, you have helped countless abuse victims, I hope you will be able to continue your mission. This is heartbreaking, but was expected. I just don't see how and on what basis they are justifing this. I know what they say , but it doesnt hold water. Today you are a victim as well dear Bill, and for you I will light a candle. I wonder if they will allow you to be at your own appeal? You are in our thoughts Bro. Bill, love to you and your family,,,,,,,,,,,Lyin and WildTurkey

  • bluesapphire


    I hope Sheila is holding up as well. This is terrible but not unexpected.

    I was thinking last night if Brooklyn has been under pressure from local elder bodies to do something about Bill. The reason I ask this is because an elder friend of ours told my mom that Bill was lying. So it should follow that the bodies would be concerned that a "liar" should not be df'd. It seems like they are playing to a crowd here. Like they are less concerned with what the public thinks than saving face with their own bodies of elders and the rank and file. After all consider young Sister Naive going up to an elder and saying:

    Sister: Brother, I saw the Dateline program. Are these allegations being handled?

    Elder: Of course sister. That elder Bill Bowen is a liar and an apostate and he is slandering the organization. The organization has a strong policy against child abuse.

    Sister: Well, are they going to disfellowship him for lying? Why is he still in the organization?

    Elder: LOSS OF WORDS

    So now the elders can say he has been disfellowshipped and it makes their lie seem legit. Now they can say HE IS DISFELLOWSHIPPED. And Sister Naive can take a sigh of relief.

    This is just my opinion but I have a feeling it has something to do with this: Saving face!

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    My hate for this Organization increases more.

    The same people that decry the abuse of religious power in others are guilty of hypocrisy in the utmost degree.

    I am truly saddened by this event.

    How many more lives must be shattered? How many more families must be ripped to shreds?

    Posted with a heavy heart. My prayers are with you and your family, Bill.

  • ErieGuy
  • ErieGuy

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