Welcome to the board .. Witchywoman. Your feelings within the marriage situation you had .. sounds so much like my mother's. She was very confused and lost.. I think all the strain of this and her life caused her to deteriorate mentally.
She was not a happy person. She had issues within her marriage that seemed like the more years that past the worse it got.
My mom, married my father when she was 17 years old and my father was in his 20's. My father came from Mexico.. and already was married once before. My mother was already very unhappy with her life. Her mom was highly abusive and her father was an heavy drinker. Her two older sisters got married at the age of 13 ( one who is my aunt had 8 children and is a JW to this day). I think they married early to get out of a terrible home life.
My mom and dad, divorced in 1976-77 mom was already pregnant with my sister. Even before the divorce from my father was finalized. Mom married the man who was the father, right after the divorce was final ( the ink had barely had time to dry on the final paperwork).
So from one marriage (she was unhappy with) into another. I think mom was pressured into the marriage. B/c of the factor of her being a single mom and her budding beliefs.. was the basis for this marriage. He was 20 years older than my mother.. he could of been her father! She was held "captive" by her beliefs. She too wanted to be a "good" JW wife and mother.
But also, I think she had some mental issues.. that were not resolved and when she did try ( I remember this well) the confidences she was sharing w/ the counselor was not kept and it caused her to stop trying.
Also the marriage dynamics.. was grossly unbalanced. I do believe my mother loved us.. but only in a very controlling and even violent way. I think that she felt so out of control herself... this was the only "control" she had and would use violence and fear to inforce it.
Anyhow several years of crazy things ... like me being parental kidnapping ( father did this b/c he felt it was the only recourse.), my return to my mother, the years of abuse and living in the campgrounds.. it all took it's toll. The marriage began to crumbly in 1990 ( the year I got married) .. my mother left ( my sisters and brother refused to go w/ her b/c she had no way of supporting them and they sided w/ their father) this was in late 1993. But it was too late.. she was very ill and returned.
My mother died .. in 1994 from Cancer. When I last saw her she was very retro-spective and realized that all this pain, hurt and sadness robbed her of the joys of life.
I told her she was right and got to share with her a truth I learned. If you allow negative things to have control.. and allow all this pain to turn to bitterness.. then you become no, better than the people that have inflicted the pain in the first place. B/c now that you are an adult and have control..you can choose. Even not making a choice.. is a choice. It is a choice to hide.
Ignoring the situation.. doesn't make it go away. That is why I applaud you for your choice to face it.. even if it is painful. Change sometimes is a painful process. I noticed on this board one thing.. we all come from different walks of life. But we have experienced much pain and sadness from the hands of people whose thinking has been molded by the WTS.
That is why I am greatful for boards like this. Makes you feel less alone.. and easier to find support when you are feeling particularly open and abused.
Once again welcome.