What would you do if religion collapsed?

by Prisila 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nanoprobe

    JWs have always taught that all religion will be destroyed by government

    We know that desolation awaits false religion. Babylon the Great is drunk with the blood of the holy ones and has acted as a queen, but her destruction is certain. So desolation will begin on faithless Christendom, which portrays itself as holy. (Source. Typical Watchtower comments)

    But Jehovahs people were of course to be protected

    These enemies of Jehovahs sovereignty will make an all-out attack in an attempt to destroy Gods earthly organization. (Ezekiel 38:14-16) But Jehovah will have the King Jesus Christ strike them down by destroying them at Armageddon, (source. Typical Watchtower comments)

    But what happens if the TRUE religion is caught dirty and with its pants down?

    Christians will have to continue to maintain a clear distinction between themselves and false religious organizations. . (Source. Typical Watchtower comments)

    Edited by - nanoprobe on 26 July 2002 14:48:21

  • You Know
    You Know

    What would you do if religion collapsed? is the wrong question. The question should be, What would you do if the system collapsed? / You Know

  • Crazy151drinker

    The real question should be: "What if the Asteroid comes by and YOU KNOW hops on it and leaves to paradise without us...."

  • DakotaRed

    For me, since I have really no use for religion, I would carry on like always. I might be a bit more cautious about some of the diehard fanatics I might run into, but by and large, I would continue in what I believe as before.

    Of course, if the fanatics got out of hand, I might sand bag the house and set up the old macine gun

    Lew W

    Watchtower Decruit

  • outoftheorg

    What would I do if religion collapsed?

    Jump up and down-clap my hands? Maybe.

    I believe in a creator but I doubt this creator is anything like the description of jehovah. I hope he is not like the description in the old testament. I find no guaranty that he is like the god of the new testament.

    Religion did collapse when the catholic religion lost its power In europe and the reformation took place. It turned into a very good thing for people. There were new freedoms-science advanced-the medical profession was taken from the priests and medicine advanced. The people found new freedoms. The judicial system was taken from the church and put in the hands of civil authorities.Even the military was taken over by the governments and the religious hatreds were less and less the cause of war and the military theory of total anhilation of enemies was altered

    All in all it seemed to be a very good happening for all concerned. Except for the catholic church org.

    Was the creator involved in the reformation? I don't know.

  • freeman

    What would I do if religion collapsed?

    Not sure.

    Now if the question were what would I do if one particular religion collapsed, one that has its HQ in Brooklyn New York, one that sucks the very life out of people, one that destroys peoples dreams, their hopes, and their very lives, a religion that never stops asking for MORE,MORE,MORE! A religion that is proud that its children have died for its insane blood policy, a religion that protects known pedophiles and punishes the protectors of children in mock trials.

    What would I do then?


    Thats what I would do


    Edited by - freeman on 26 July 2002 15:57:11

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    "Do a little dance,

    make a little love,

    get down tonight!"

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon


    And duck....there would be a lot of flying objects from all the rioting in the streets. The Bible thumpers would be pissed as hornets!

    Mommie Dark - LMFAO!!! Hilarious!


  • Sentinel

    This is a very good post. Thank you!

    As for my reaction if religion were to become non-existent. Well, for certain, since JW's are part of religion, and I don't agree with, nor promote, any organized or (un-organized) religion myself, I would never consider returning to the Borg.

    IMHO I do believe that we are headed for a grand universal awakening in the not too distant future. Those steeped in religious dogma will have a very difficult time with this. Religious leaders, filling their pockets with the sweat and tears of mankind will be shown for what they really are. It will change the world as we know it. Society will be re-born to enlightenment of the grand design and purpose for all things.

    Please don't misunderstand me. If a person has a belief and it gives them comfort, I would not judge that belief. It is theirs to make. I am speaking only for myself and how I view things.

    When this does occur, there will be some who simply refuse to change. It will be very difficult for them to make the transition. They will be unable to accept any new directive, even if it comes from our creators. They will feel cheated and robbed of many things. They will feel they have sacrificed in vain. They will come to know the great deception and distortion of "following man". They will grind their teeth and throw their money in the streets. (How do you see the Borg handling this?)

    I welcome this most loving universal event. I have been waiting for it for a very long time, through my soul's journey to the awakening. This is true spirituality. It is not a person, place or building. It is not religion. No one need fear the callapse of religion. It is meant to be.

    Love and Light,


  • gsx1138

    Since I'm a solitary Wiccan I could care less if religion got wiped out. In fact I would prefer it if organized religion was wiped out. Of course it depends on if you think spirituality and religion are the same thing. I don't think you could wipe out spirituality but religion seems to become more important than the person in it.

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