Here are the links I posted to Silent Lambs back on 6-13-02, since everyone was wanting to do something... The FBI has online chats on Thursdays where you can chat with an FBI agent, if anyone wants to get online and ask them about the WTBTS (see further below for the links)./Grits
'Write the FBI: <>;
Nat'l FBI-HQ: <>; Here's what the FBI does: "Criminal Investigative Division: The FBI's investigative mandate is the broadest of all federal law enforcement agencies. This division coordinates investigations into organized crime, including drug matters, racketeering, and money laundering; investigations into violent crimes, including wanted fugitives, escaped federal prisoners (in some instances), unlawful flight to avoid prosecution, violent gangs, serial murders, kidnappings, bank robberies, violent crimes and property crimes of an interstate nature, crime on Indian reservations, crimes against U.S. citizens overseas, and theft of government property; investigations into white-collar crime, fraud against the government, corruption of public officials, health care fraud, election law violations, business and economic frauds and corruption crimes; and investigations into civil rights violations."
FBI's Crimes Against Children Program: <>;
"Individual FBI Field Offices serve as primary points of contact for persons requesting FBI assistance. For further information about FBI services or to request assistance, please contact a Crimes Against Children Coordinator at your local FBI Field Office.: <>; (addresses/ phones/links to local FBI Field Offices - find one in YOUR area). And this link lists the field offices by state and what areas they cover: <>; "The FBI encourages the public to report any suspected violations of U.S. federal law. You can do so by calling your local FBI office, Legal Attache office, or by submitting a tip via the FBI Tips and Public Leads form." This online form is located at: <>; (Even though it says "terrorists," this online form is NOT just for terrorists tips/leads).
FBI's National Sex Offender Registry: <>;
FBI's Federal Statutes Relating To Crimes Against Children: <>;
Chat with the FBI: FBI Chats: <>; 2000 Chat Archive | 2001 Chat Archive | 2002 Chat Archive "FBI Chats began in August 2000 and has since developed into a weekly program run by the Office of Public and Congressional Affairs. Representatives from the FBI answer questions sent from the public via the Internet. The person or people answering questions are directly involved in work relating to the chat topic. Chats typically take place on Thursday afternoons, from 1 - 2 pm, Eastern Time. At the conclusion of a chat, its transcript is placed on the FBI Chats archive page where it can be reviewed or printed."
Someone else (at Silent Lambs had) mentioned getting INTERPOL involved since the WTS is an international org. Well, contact INTERPOL YOURSELF. Here's their info:
INTERPOL: <>; & <>;
"U. S. Department of Justice, U. S. NATIONAL CENTRAL BUREAU of INTERPOL ("Point of Contact for International Law Enforcement"); M I S S I O N: The U.S. National Central Bureau (USNCB) was authorized by statute (22 U.S.C. 263a) and operates within the guidelines prescribed by the Department of Justice, in conjunction with the Department of Treasury. The mission of the US National Central Bureau is to facilitate international law enforcement cooperation as the United States representative with the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), on behalf of the Attorney General. The major functions of the USNCB are to: *Transmit information of a criminal justice, humanitarian, or other law enforcement related nature between National Central Bureaus of INTERPOL member countries, and law enforcement agencies of the United States. * Respond to requests by law enforcement agencies, and legitimate organizations, institutions and individuals, when in agreement withthe INTERPOL constitution. * Coordinate and integrate information for investigations of an international nature and identify those involving patterns and trends of criminal activities.
Filing a Request to Interpol: <>;
Get the Attorney General involved. Well, here's his info:
US DEPT. of JUSTICE (DOJ) & Attorney General(s): <>;
Contact the DOJ: <>; or Email them: [email protected]
DOJ'S Violence against Women: <>;
DOJ's Office for Victims of Crime (including child sex abuse): <>; & <>;
Lastly, some attorneys & prosecutors in the country want to use the federal RICO law in order to prosecute/sue the Catholic Church. Other law scholars think this law cannot be used against the Church, since the law was created to fight mob/organized crime. Well, decide for yourself, and write the Attorney General and/or the DOJ:
Federal RICO Law (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations): A search at the Dept. of Justice website re: the RICO law came up with these (and many other) links:
(100% relevant)
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO): A Manual for Federal Prosecutors FOURTH REVISED EDITION July 2000 Prepared by the Staff of the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section U.S....
(100% relevant)
9-110.000 ORGANIZED CRIME AND RACKETEERING 9-110.010 Introduction 9-110.100 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) 9-110.101 Division Approval 9-110.200
(100% relevant) USAM 9-110.000 Department of Justice > USAM > Title 9 prev | next | Criminal Resource Manual 9-110.010 Introduction 9-110.100 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) 9-110.101 Division...
Write the UNITED NATIONS: <>; or email them and ASK: [email protected].
Edited by - grits on 26 July 2002 23:57:57