Need Help - New JW Pedophile Project (Links)

by Amazing 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • 4skins

    Hi Guys,

    Go ahead--put pedophiles in jail. But you're still left with the WTS which contributes directly or indirectly to the pedophile problem. How do you address that? In your emotional state you overlook what I said.

    First, how do you know I'm not an abuse victim? You don't, but you've assumed I'm not. Second, I know presently there is no successful treatment for pedophilies and I didn't suggest such. Third, I don't recall defending rapists, murderers and pedophiles.

    Again I ask you:- just how are your vindictive actions against individual perpetrators affecting the WTS? Isn't it the WTS which has a policy of sheltering pedophiles? By focusing your rage upon the individual perpetrators you're effectively letting the WTS off, scot-free. Furthermore, I never expanded upon what options there might be in dealing with pedophiles.

  • Cassiline

    Counting; 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 let me start again 1,2,3,4 *it's not working* are you braindead 4skins?

    Oh crap, *slaps forehead* you're name suggests you are the leftovers after a Mohel used his mogen.

    No wonder it seems you have no sense, your name defines you as a useless piece of left over matter that is disposed of.

    I think you guys are going about this jw pedophillia matter the wrong way. Getting pedophiles incarcerated ultimately harms me...and you. How? We all will be taxed for more prison beds to house these criminals.

    Why are you concerned about money and not the harsh reality of what happens to one who is molested? So we are out a few dollars to assure that a molester is out of the population and not looking for his next victim.

    Most pedophiles were victims of the same crime. Should society also pursue the perpetrators of this new generation of victimizers?
    You bet your ass society should pursue them, with a vengeance and assure that all children everywhere, to include your own if you have any will never have to experience the humiliation, pain and long term effects that this gross violation causes a child to feel for the rest of their lives.
    And how does society guarantee that the victims of pedophillia won't later become victimizers themselves?

    There are very few certainties in life.

    Then, if these rock spiders get murdered in prison we're again asked to foot the bill to prosecute an investigation and trial.

    Is it all about money? I see justice and if these "rock spiders" as you call them get murdered in prison, so be it. Do the crime pay the price and time.

    If one intends to maintain his rage against the WTS he needs to be careful not to rush to the primitive need to punish the individuals, who in this matter, are very disturbed members of society that need help themselves.
    My anger is directed at the offending party and those who wish to harbor such party's. These disturbed members of society are leeches who prey upon babies and children's fears. The rate of recidivism is enormously high among pedophiles. That is why most states are pushing for non-parole for sex offenders. Let them rot in prison. Oop's more money out of your pocket.
    Having said that it becomes obvious that society needs to be protected from these perpetrators. There are several options to undo the machinations of the WTS other than the fashion that you've determined upon.

    What are you're options 4skin? Therapy and counseling are not a proven method to deal with sex offenders of this nature. So throw a few out there to help me better understand where you are coming from.

    If you guys need to punish people in the fashion that you seem bent upon, how are you any different from the jaydubs you were?

    Conviction of criminal behavior was around long before the WTS. The point is the WTS needs to act upon allegations of child abuse to assure that your child, my child and all children are protected from these maggots that feed off of little children.

    Seeking justice is far from wishing billions to die so that one may live in a paradise to pet the little animals. This is a big difference from the jaydubs.

  • Cassiline
    Again I ask you:- just how are your vindictive actions against individual perpetrators affecting the WTS? Isn't it the WTS which has a policy of sheltering pedophiles? By focusing your rage upon the individual perpetrators you're effectively letting the WTS off, scot-free. Furthermore, I never expanded upon what options there might be in dealing with pedophiles.~~4skins

    If you look a little deeper you will see that by prosecution the perpetrators who were or are JW's, gives exposure to the criminal neglect of the WTS. Therefore one may know that the WTS harbors pedophiles, breaks reporting laws, threatens victims with shunning, disfellowshipping, etc.

    Bringing to the forefront the WTS's crimes as well. They have already started to disfellowship every party they know of so far for speaking out on the matter of pedophilia in the Org. Showing that they wish it to remain secret, a crime in itself that may be prosecuted.

  • 4skins

    Like the Catholic church, the WTS is getting its fair share of adverse publicity over their policy of shielding pedophiles, but nothing changes. The WTS Sanhedrin has no plans to make changes for the very reasons Amazing pointed out on an early post,Real Reason Why JW Elders Don't Report.

    The problem is like a factory spewing out poison into a stream which flows into a river and kills everything in its path. What you guys are proposing is the equivalent of cleaning up the delta where the poison settles instead of shutting off the valve at the offending factory. In your zeal to clean up the delta you're leaving the WTS in tact to spew out its poison. You explain the wisdom of this approach.

  • abbagail

    4skins: First you have to make NOISE to wake up the dead, i.e., the public, the media, the lawyers, the DA's, the FBI, the courts. Who cares if the GB never listens? The government will go after them if the public and the media puts on enough pressure. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT. So, Give it a rest already.

    FYI to all: There are several threads going on this same Crusade:

    mikepence has a thread going:Help to publicize the plight of Bowen
    I have added more information about Jehovah's Witnesses and sexual abuse to my Salon blog, here:
    Thanks to everyone's efforts yesterday, my blog is now in the top 20 at Salon. The people associated with Salon are the movers and shakers of the media, including writers of op-ed pieces for the NY Times, etc. This can motivate much more press coverage.
    Please go to the blog and use the "comment" links to tell the world your feelings about abuse among the JW's.
    Thanks, Mike Pence

    And: Letters of Outrage to Governing Body:

    And DakotaRed's letter to the WTS is located at:

    And MacHislopp scanned in an EXCELLENT run of all news reports and WT comments re: the Catholic Church's scandal over the past 10-15 years. We all should copy that list of remarks and attach it to our letters to WTS AND TO THE MEDIA so they can see what the WT has been saying all these years about the CC while covering up their own filthy sandbox. Mac's thread is here:

    Also, here's a few media emails:

    < [email protected]>

    Tom Brokaw < [email protected]>

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected] -- or -- < [email protected]>

    Newsweek Magazine: [email protected]

    Time Magazine: [email protected]

    Associated Press: [email protected]

    And Apostate posted these email addy's at one of the above threads already posted:
    Here are a few Watchtower e-mail addresses you can write to.
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    You can leave brief messages on theircontact page:
    First: Stop protecting
    Last: Child Abusers
    Street Address: J.R. Brown
    City: is a liar

  • abbagail

    LuckyLucy has a thread going: Bill deserves more from us!!!

    RubyTuesday has a thread going: Media Links (for NBC and MSNBC): <>;

    YoursChelbie has a thread: Watchtower in NY By Law has to turn in Pedo-Files

  • 4skins

    My Dear Naive Grits,

    The media and others have been noisely waking up the dead in the case of the Catholic church. If the government is not going after them, explain to me why the government will go after the corporate WTS or its Sanhedrin, or for that matter a whole host of other religious groups with similar pedophile problems?

    But you're right--I will give it up and let you guys persecute the individuals so that the WTS can perpetuate yet more abuse on children.

  • maximumflash
    The media and others have been noisely waking up the dead in the case of the Catholic church. If the government is not going after them, explain to me why the government will go after the corporate WTS or its Sanhedrin, or for that matter a whole host of other religious groups with similar pedophile problems?

    So if there is a serious problem going on then are you saying just leave it alone? Do you think the government will get involved if nobody says anything? Do you think the WTS will change the doctrine if there are no complaints? Do you think it is right to send CRIMINALS door to door, to church gatherings, etc? Do you think it is right to allow CRIMINALS to walk the streets so they can commit another crime?

    4skin, you got issues!

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