Of course neither of us have hard facts on the impact of this specific issue. However, please realize that we are talking about a Relgion. Religions seem to be able to handle the most brutal challenges. Remember the Reformation? The Catholic Church still exists.
The Mormons have survived numerous attacks and schisms. The Watchtower has had serious setbacks - The Moyle crisis. Many failed prophetic dates. Don't forget that the Big Dogs were locked up back in 1918. Rank & File members went to prison over the draft. They are willing to die over the blood issue. And you think Bill Bowen or a steady stream of Bill Bowens is going to bring down JW's?
I also take issue with you over the idea that you can hurt them in the wallet. I've been a JW for over 50 years. I know (knew) some of the GB personally along with many 2nd tier and they aren't in this for the money. They've had good times and they've had very lean times.
A lot of people here are so disconnected from the reality of what Jehovah's Witnesses are about that they delude themselves into having more impact then they really do.
If JW's are going to dissolve it will be for the simple reason that the end fails to come. They are built on the premise that the end is near. This idea will no longer sustain another generation of JW's. Without an immanent "armageddon" there is no reason to be a Jehovah's Witness.