Soooo not out! Talking to an ex-jw...

by detective 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • italianmomma

    There is a chat room called Jehovah witness recovery on msn. Its a place that i came to with the same type of attitude as the woman you discribed. You might also find a room full of ex jw's that you can pick our brains. I walked away because I was backsliding miserably and I couldnt figure out why. The whole thought they were great ppl but couldnt live up to the rules thing. I didnt agree with one teaching when I left, I didnt agree that they were Gods only choosen ppl., the only ones saved.

    From there it has been a road of healing and revelation. i am now a christian, who seeks God and not religon.

    Hope to see you there someday,


  • detective

    thanks for the info, italianmama!

  • EXJWBrit

    Hey, detective, did this girl have nice pert breasts? If so then at least the evening wasn't wasted, you had something entertaining to distract you. If not, bad luck mate.

  • detective

    Well, I suppose if I were gay her breasts might be of interest to me. Of course, I have my own to play with if I felt so inclined...

  • EXJWBrit

    Oooooh, tell me more about playing with your own.......

  • Deanna62

    I can understand this womans perpective in trying to hold on to some aspect
    of her spritural life. The issue of being gay in the truth, and the pressure
    that will put on a person, can not be fully understood by a non gay person.
    I while not gay in the strict term, can understan where she is at and why she
    still holds on to her belief. I am transsexual and pretty much outed myself to my
    P.O. His only responce was either I leave on my own accord or face a JC and be
    DF'ed. I left sending them a letter stating why. At the same time I left all
    that was in my past life in that letter. There are times I wish I could be
    accepted but at the same time I remembered how uncomfort I felt befor transition
    and the contempt I felt for some of the brothers in the treatment of women. With
    that in mind I might have commited bodily harm on some overbearing brother.

    Deanna Bryant

    Free At last Free at last
    I Thank God I'm free at last


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