Below is a copy of the letter I wrote tonight and mailed to the Watchtower Society.
I even remembered to actually sign this one
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
Attn: Governing Body
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, New York 11201-2483
July 26, 2002
Lewis A. Waters
Dear Watchtower Society
It is with much distress that I feel compelled to write you this. At one time, I viewed you as the only true religion and thought you to be the most kind and loving of all religious groups. Two years ago, I discovered different and was forced to disassociate myself from your ranks.
I was content, however, to just get on with my life and leave you all behind me. I was not even bitter, even though my marriage has fallen apart in a divorce, partly brought about due to your policy of shunning any who wish to leave your organization, even if peaceably. Still, I was content to just live the rest of my life; alone if need be, peaceably and without animosity between your organization and me.
Now, certain matters have come to light that force me to change my mind and speak out to you. That being, your continued denials of a pedophile cover-up and subsequent disfellowshipping of faithful members of your religion on trumped up charges of apostasy when they are really being expelled for speaking out against your continued cover-ups. Yes, I am speaking about the recent disfellowshippings of Barbara Anderson, The Pandelo family and Bill Bowen, the only ones to appear on the March 28 edition of Dateline NBC. All sought justice, scriptural justice, I might add, from your organization and received the boot instead.
The double speak coming from your spokesperson, J.R. Brown is as shallow as can be. He says you decline interviews with NBC because it is a spiritual matter handled between brothers. Yet, word is somehow leaked out to congregations all across this land that they were disgruntled exJWs who had been disfellowshipped, weeks before you actually did disfellowship them.
I have followed the case of Bill Bowen with much interest in the press and am appalled at how you continually violated your own publication, Pay Attention To Yourselves and to the Flock, the so called elders instruction manual. Is this book kept secret so no one will notice when the rules within your organization change temporarily to suit your whims and establish a kangaroo court to silence dissension?
After all the years of condemnation coming from your organization directed against the Catholic Church and their pedophile problem, wouldnt the Christian thing to do be stand up and correct the problem? The problem of pedophiles is spread across the entire religious spectrum; it is not unique to your organization. What is unique, however, is the extent that your organization has gone to remove the whistle blowers that failed to receive simple acts of Christian kindness and support when sought from you.
Jesus taught love and kindness, not silencing those who have been harmed. He never taught covering up a problem and silencing victims. Yet, he did forcibly expel the moneychangers from the temple, did he not? I submit that those moneychangers are todays Watchtower Society who tries to profit off of someone elses misery.
Why not do the right thing? Just admit what many already know. Admitting a problem and correcting it does not bring reproach on Jehovahs name. Lying about it and covering it up and subsequently, allowing it to continue definitely brings reproach on Jehovahs name.
In closing, may I direct your attention to the New World Translation Bible;
John 13:34 I am giving YOU a new commandment, that YOU love one another; just as I have loved YOU , that YOU also love one another. 35 By this all will know that YOU are my disciples, if YOU have love among yourselves.
Matthew 25:40 And in reply the king will say to them, Truly I say to YOU , To the extent that YOU did it to one of the least of these my brothers, YOU did it to me.
Romans 13:8 Do not YOU people be owing anybody a single thing, except to love one another; for he that loves his fellowman has fulfilled [the] law.
Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unrighteous so as to forget YOUR work and the love YOU showed for his name, in that YOU have ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering.
I can only pray that Jehovah will soften your hearts and open your eyes of the harm you have done to your own organization.
Lewis A. Waters