I also want to thank you for sharing your letter with us.
I have always respected you for the fact you served your country as a veteran and far too many young people have no appreciation for the generations of brave men and women who died for their country and it's freedom.
I also have sympathy for you, because I know firsthand what it is like to have a family broken up due to the insanity of the Watchtower religion.
Your letter was well written and to the point. You like so many others expose them with the facts to show what hypocrites they are.
Unfortunately, it will not bring about change. If you want my honest opinion, I feel as soon as whomever opens it determines it is not a letter of praise, but a letter of criticism, will file it into the garbage bin immediately. After all.. "Gods One True Organization" is above all reproach. (sarcastic smile)
Do not fret my friend. Even in the last few years we have seen a major shift in the balance of power. The WT is no longer able to hide in their ivory tower and avoid the problems they have wrought upon themselves.
Thousands of members leaving the cult in disgust every year after having their EYES OPENED.
An entire generation of young men who WILL NOT BE THERE to continue the legacy of the cult.
British Parliament opening an inquiry into the practices of the religion in harboring pedophiles.
Bill Bowen and the Silentlambs roaring on Dateline NBC, the Paducah Sun, and various other forms of communicative media to spread the message that the Watchtower Society is a corrupt network of crazed fanatics.
Loss of revenue, easily demonstrated by the cutbacks at Bethel, the cheap publications, and the EMPTY seats.
You are going down Watchtower, and in MY lifetime.
Be afraid.. be very afraid.