Hello, i am new to this site, and i am dating a JW. However, my experience has been quite different from that of others doing the same thing. Unlike other posts that i have read, her parents (we are both 18) are supportive of her relationship with me, she is quite open minded when it comes to social activities, she has both JW and non-JW friends, and is a totally "normal" 18 year old girl. She is totally devoted to the JWs doctrinal interpretation of the Bible (which i dont believe to be any more or less strange than any other religeon) but doesnt take part in the mind-control part of the religeon. And i can say the same about her JW friends, that i have become friends with as well. Mainly, my question is, is there JWs, or maybe even Congregations of JWs, that are much more open minded, or liberal than most? They even had a Fourth of July BBQ, which really surprised me. OK, any insight would be welcomed, thanks.
JW girlfriend
by JohnZogby 31 Replies latest jw friends
I am very happy things are going well for you.
What JW things do they DO?
Sounds like they may not be very JW doesn't it? Do they go to 5 meetings a week? Go out in service? I have a JW friend that attends the memorial each year and that's it. They are inactive and not considered JW's by the rest of the congregation. No gray areas for JW's, you are or you aren't.
hey, thanks for replying. Actually, thats what i find so weird. They do go to 5 meetings a week, and feild service on Sundays. They are in good standing within the congregation (I think). From what i can tell (me and my gf have been dating for about a month and a half), and from what they have told me, they say that they dont judge me or anyone else because only Jehovah can judge, is there any chance that maybe this is ideally how JWs should act? Heres a little more info on the family. Her younger brother plays in a rock band with 3 non-jws, the Father is an Elder, the 2 children are already baptized. hmm, thats all i can think of right now.
<the JWs doctrinal interpretation of the Bible (which i dont believe to be any more or less strange than any other religeon) >
which of their doctines is it that are you not uncomfortable with? Are you sure you are familiar with them all?
I wonder if they are just being nice about it with you for the time being. But they are hoping that eventually she'll grow tired of you and go after some Bethalite or CO or pioneer, etc.
just my .02
If you really like this girl, good luck on making this relationship work for any extended period of time. As a baptised witness, sooner or later she'll have to make the choice between either you or her standing within the congregation. Don't let this nice facade fool you, especially from the elder father. It's their effort to "win you over". It's been my experience with all JW's that sooner or later they'll have to reconcile their relationship with worldlies with their image within the congregation.
If I'm wrong, you may have lucked up upon the most liberal JW family in existence.
drahcir yarrum
Obviously you have latched onto the non-Orthodox Jehovah's Witness. They believe in the concept of the
Witness dogma, but believe they themselves are not held to the same standards of behavior as the rank and
file. I would say that your chances of having pre-marital sex with this young lady are better than
with the average JW girl. Good luck.
Thomas Poole
Note that when she talks about the Bible, it will be about the WT, elders, and things JW related. It will not be about her personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
You can recognize unhealthy control upon someone when religious tradition comes between the Christian and his/her relationship with Jesus Christ.
The religion becomes more important than the persons conscience, intuition, and personal communion with the Heavenly Father. The mind, will, and emotion becomes subordinate to the dictates of the religious organization, rather than the leading of the Holy Spirit.
hello, i am not saying that you guys are wrong, but i just dont see why her parents would have let it get this far if they didnt want her to date me. My gf is very influenced by her parents...she broke up with her ex-bf, a JW, because her parents didnt like him ( i know the guy, he is a total ass). If her parents would have told her from the get go "dont go out with this guy" she wouldnt have gone out with me. Eh, maybe im just being naive, i dont know.