Seeking your opinions on contacting relatives

by Swan 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • scootergirl

    shutterbug wrote:

    did you notice you are the shortest of the three?

    Yeah! Funny thing is that I always thought I was tall at 5'10"! I can now say that I am the "petite" one! LOL

    uglyduckling wrote:

    What a nice sister you are! Don't pay any attention to Mom's remarks. You aren't a bad pull. Your sister's 23 and can make up her own mind. Mom is just upset she didn't pull on sis enough, or that maybe she pulled too hard!
    I think that dear old Mom may be a little nervous. She realizes that she no longer has control over ANY of us kids. She did for many many destructive years and finally the ball is in our court. WE have the control. To be honest, I believe she will grow old and die a lonely old woman. She has three grandchildren (mine) that she just can't seem to have a relationship with (not by any resistance from me). She has three adult children that are angry and hurt and are making her accountable for her actions. OUCH!

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