Preach, preach, preach....feel guilty...preach some more

by Tornintwo 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tornintwo

    Since starting to wake up, I can't help notice how so many talks emphasise preaching, increasing your hours, pioneering etc...with a hefty load of guilt on the side.

    I always noticed the guilt, but now I'm noticing how talks that seem to start out on another issue always seem to come back to hours! Last c.o. Visit talk seemed to start out about persecution, trusting in Jehovah etc...but the main thrust in the end was, 'do more hours, pioneer, don't get an education or pursue a career, don't get distracted, hooray for the pioneers! If you dont do more hours you will be 'the sort that shrink back to destruction'.' Along with a really weird experience about a little girl who's main concern in life was getting back to her return visits. Couldn't help thinking how in quite a cliquey, gossipy congregation some counsel about showing love and Christian qualities would have been nice!

    So an 'all in Jw' would say "preaching is the most important work on earth, we have to save as many as we can before the time of the end......" But when you've considered the amazing inefficiency & waste of time that most preaching seems to be, the complete lack of urgency & the fact that it takes 7000 hours to get one baptism (plus all the hours at Bethel) this can't be the real reason they want us to be pounding the pavements so much.

    so you watchtower cynics/realists out there, what is the real reason?

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    The JW typical counsel to all problems is field service. Are you depressed? Go out in service. Feeling suicidal? Go out in Service. Want to molest little children? Go out in service.

  • Bonsai
    Wanna get married? Go out in service. Need a job? Go out in service. Dying of cancer? Go out in service. Tired of service? Go out in service.
  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    In other words, nothing much has changed since I started taking an interest in this #u&*ing bloody cult some 50 years ago. Back then, the only thing that mattered was the column on the monthly field service report slip entitled "Hours" . Lo and bloody behold, it is still the same now! (Sad to say, none of this comes as any surprise).


  • punkofnice

    You got it. It's called control!

    Check out the B.I.T.E. method that cults use to control the sheeple.

    It keeps them busy not enjoying life and prevents them from thinking. It also reinforces that they ar in the 'truth(TM)'.

    Fools gold!

  • hoser

    There's quite a few threads about this.

    Field service keeps people too busy to think.

  • tim3l0rd
    It also is the reason for their charitable status. JWs preaching is "charity". Without all the preaching their charitable status may be in jeopardy.
  • millie210

    Field service also makes you feel euphoric when you are done.

    It can take years before you sort out that feeling isnt a glow from "serving Jah" but rather relief that you are done.

  • LisaRose

    Time control and guilt are useful to keeping people enslaved to a cult. Either you spend all your time and energy in busywork (field service) or you spend all your time and energy in other things, which makes you feel guilty. Either way, they win, because you aren't questioning things or thinking about their failures. I don't think they care either way as long as you keep contributing to their real estate empire.

    Mind control cults keep their members so busy with meetings and activities that they become too busy and too tired to think about their involvement.

    Time control also helps the cult keep their members immersed in the manufactured cult environment
    And time control helps keep cult members away from friends and family.

  • Tornintwo

    Thanks For the responses, thanks LisaRose, I'm reading combatting cult mind control at the moment, but struggling to get past the really extreme examples to see how it applies to JWs.

    It's true if I was as busy as I 'should' be I would never have time to research ttatt.

    I have to say I never felt euphoric after the ministry, but yeah relieved it's over!

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