Preach, preach, preach....feel guilty...preach some more

by Tornintwo 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FayeDunaway
    You only feel good after service because you can finally go on with your day and not feel guilty for one whole day because you did your 'duty!'
  • Heaven

    To force someone to do something they are not cut out to do is ludicrous.

    I never felt that it was anyone's right, including my own, to try and coerce someone into a religion.

    JW Field-Serve Us is really being a door-to-door religious salesman.

    The scripture at James 3:1 applies very much to JWs, especially since they are preaching made up crap:

    "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."

    So... even the Bible says not everyone should be doing this.

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    so you watchtower cynics/realists out there, what is the real reason?

    Converts = $$$$$

    If one convert donates $1 a week X 52 weeks in a year that's $52 a year

    8 million members X $52 = $416,000,000 a year (almost 1/2 a billion)

  • StrongHaiku

    millie210 - Field service also makes you feel euphoric when you are done.

    Yep. Totally agree.

    I would add one thing:

    I am very much an introvert. And, I remember when I was doing FS that my anxiety level was so high from the minute I went to the first door that by the time the day was over I felt "good". I misinterpreted my ebbing feelings of anxiety at the end of the day as "happiness". It was actually, "relief". Kinda like holding on to a rubber ball tightly all day and you are finally able to let it go. It feels wonderful but only because you had held tension for hours.

  • oppostate
    Tired of service? Go out in service.

    As illogical as the counsel above sounds, it's exactly what WT trained elders are supposed to provide to the over-worked, abusively coerced r&f publishers.

    The WT religion sucks out the life and joy from people that fall into its clutches. And if you are exhausted they offer no refreshment, you're just like dead to them.

  • Tornintwo

    Oppostate, so so true. We have so many chronic fatigue, m.e., fibromyalgia and mental illness sufferers, I think this could be a way to subconsciously excuse yourself from the overwork without the judgement of others and guilt. Scary.

    John Aquila, I find it hard to believe it's all about money, just because there's no one sitting in a mansion on a Caribbean island, I might well be wrong, it's got to be a consideration. I suppose there is a good chance that at least some of those converts will give 10, 20$ per week....

  • Vidiot

    Bonsai - "Tired of service? Go out in service."

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