by Prisila 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • RedhorseWoman

    I know that this must be a frightening prospect, but if you possibly can do it. Check out the references others have listed here. I'm sure that they will be able to offer you support and help to pull this together.

    Congratulations on your bravery in starting the ball rolling on this!!

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Go for it girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've been trying to get on there for years!!!

    Are you in the Chicago area???????

    Tink =:o)

    p.s. I know what you're going through. I D.A.ed myself a few years ago and I'm still having a difficult time. It's sad how the hovah's treat their families, I HATE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hang in there sweetie!!!!!

    Tink =;o)

  • joannadandy

    If you are concerned about your family then I wouldn't. They may not like it that you air the dirty laundry on national television, tensions between you might be at an all time high and never go away.

    This is personal choice you have to make.

    To balance this, you have to think about all the people you would be helping, and giving others who were never in the borg a clear picture of how awful they can be. That is really powerful stuff. Of course I would love to see you on television, sharing your painful story, because it echoes so many stories here, and they need to be made public for people to understand. However, that is easy for me to say. I keep my anonimity, and my family isn't offended, or looked down on by those in the congregation.

    This is a big choice, and I don't think you should let anyone tell you what to do because you are the one who must deal with the consequences. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you make the right choice for you...

  • Mum

    Just do it! What a great opportunity! Relax, be yourself, tell it like it is, and you'll be fine. Let us know the air date.

    You go, girl!

  • QCA1

    Hi Prisilia

    I think you should go with this one,it as already been said speak the truth and you cannot go wrong. Shunning must be a terrible thing to go through it is down right evil.The support is there for you from caring loving people on this board.


  • SpiceItUp

    I think that if there if anyone here that is in the area or will be in the area to come and support you. Ask if you can bring others. Maybe Oprah would dedicate a show to it. Ask, Ask Ask...

    If it were me I would do it but I also don't have as much to lose. But if you do then I would seriously think long and hard about doing this. After all as much help as it will provide---we also dont want you to go downhill in the process.

  • Prisila

    I am scared beyond belief, your comments are really calming me, thank you! I called him after I posted, he's great but he's really confused right now. He talked yesterday about DA himself. He just stepped down as an elder so he's still a little weary. He told me NOT to agree to anything yet. I want him to read all your posts.

    In answer to someone's question, YES we are being shunned by family members for not living up to the potential of a TRUE JW. We went to the meeting about a month ago, the C.O. and D.O. came and my husband was required to turn in a letter of resignation, in person. We all went after not going for about a montha and a half. Everyone looked at us as if we were lepors. They didn't know if they should talk to us or not, like we might be reprimanded, you know? They were even indifferent to my little daughters. NOW that hurts!!! Yes we are being shunned and at this point we are only inactive, and my husband stepped down. Can you imagine when we DA or if we DF?

  • YoursChelbie


    Oprah reaches many viewers, especially mothers who want to be informed about how to deal with current issues that affect their families.

    If you want to take advantage of this opportunity to highlight the massive problems with WTS policies (the shunning, the failure to turn in child abusers without "two witnesses" etc.) then you could actually save someone's life. For a certainty, you will be heard by someone who is being abused right now but has been silenced by an extreme religion.

    Many people who didn't see Dateline will have another chance to see the WTS for what it really is.

    If you are asked to speak about your personal situation, you can say it without mentioning names.

    But since you are already being shunned there's not much more to loose by the way of so-called friends. If your husband will support you in exposing the WTS--all the better!

    If he doesn't support you and you decide not to appear on the show that is your absolute right. You could suggest to Oprah that she contanct Bill Bowen, or Barbara Anderson. I'm pretty sure they will speak out and your message will still get accross.

    Pray on it, we'll support you whatever you decide.


    Edited by - YoursChelbie on 29 July 2002 15:1:11

  • Jools j
    Jools j

    it's a hungry beast. be careful that you have as much control as possible if you do go on oprah.
    wishing you the best.

  • SYN

    Wow, if you could get on Oprah that would be an amazing blow. Try and get Bill Bowen on there too!

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