Closing Prayer at RC...youth baptism

by freemindfade 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • freemindfade

    So while 99% of the closing prayer I did not hear, what I did was the elder say "we need to encourage our young ones to get baptised. We can't let the world take anymore of them away"

    I found this very strange and looked up in disbelief. Just the wat it sounds. Sign the billion year contract so you can't get out.

  • sparrowdown
    Get em early, get em young. The motto of all evil regimes.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    "we need to encourage our young ones to get baptised.


    "we need to encourage our young ones to get baptised. We can't let the world take anymore of them away"

    The Watchtower Is Already Baptizing Children Extremely Young..

    This Is All Thats Left..


    ......................I WANT TO BE A JEHOVAHS WITNESS!!..

    ..................Image result for Sperm

  • tiki

    hhahahhahahah outlaw! and john a - the gent is missing his regulation white tee-shirt so that his hairy chest doesn't turn on any of the poor sex-deprived females attending the event.................

    my only comment left on this subject is "desperate times require desperate measures" or something to that effect.

  • NewYork44M

    Who is this "we" he is talking about. Given that the prayer is a conversation with god, isn't his language indicating that he is telling god what to do!?

    I always hated it when the one giving the prayer uses this as an opportunity to pontificate an opinion

  • ToesUp

    We should all be excited about all of the talks on the young getting baptized, men reaching out and give us more $$$$$.

    If these things were not a problem, they wouldn't be giving the talks.

    1. Kids aren't getting baptized like they used to.

    2. Men are not reaching out. Some men would rather enjoy their time with family, make a decent living and not be bullied by A**h*** CO's. Smart men in my opinion.

    3. People aren't donating! Yes!!! Smart people!

    I hope all these people keep up the GOOD work!

  • Heaven

    LOL @ Outlaw!

    So this, to me, confirms that the hemorrhaging of young ones from the Borg continues. My Dad told me back in 2009-2010 that "the young ones are leaving in droves".

    I was like all YAY! inside.

    They have no idea how to really relate to anyone, especially young kids. Many times I have read people saying and have also felt myself that it is one enormously boring organization. Hey Botchtower, keep up the good work!

  • punkofnice
    How long before 'new light(tm) brings in christenings?
  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    So....the symbolic act of dedication representing a commitment one seems to have already made can now be done prepubescent, is enforceable through a code of conduct and communal shunning policy, and this is going to keep the world from taking them?

    So in this guys prayer he might as well say, get them in young, so they can fear loosing their social structure and stick around.

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