by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    here's an old elder trick, I mean some theocratic stratergy, the elder suggests to you that they already know everything anyway but want to see if you will prove that you are loyal and\or repentant by telling everything you know, including whatever you, yourself did........so you spill your guts, thinking that you might get a free pass, and the elders reprove you or disfellowship you on YOUR OWN testimony.....and the kicker is the elders were just bluffing. They had nothing provable to go on.

  • plmkrzy

    I damn sure did! Once. The only time ever in my life that I ratted someone out and I had very good reason for doing it. BTW by ratting her out I was also ratting myself out because I was an accomplice. The first time I went along with her I didn't think a lot of it because it is not unusual to go across the border for meds. It also is not illegal as long as you don't purchase over a specified amount and as long as you claim it at customs. Some things you need a prescription for in order to bring back across the border but you can get any prescription you want for 5$ at most of the restaurants in TJ.

    Anyway I thought we were just going to pick up some stuff yadda yadda yadda...She purchased 2,ooo somas (an extract of heroin)

    "GEESH!" I said "Why so much!"

    "I heard there going to close the borders soon and we won't be able to cross over anymore to buy meds" she says.

    "hmmm." I say's.

    No biggie whatever.

    The next month she wants me to take across the border again so she can stalk up before she won't be able to anymore so I say ok.

    We get there, she goes to the same pharmacy buys 1,000 pills. "OK" I says you got your pills lets go over to revolution and have a drink before it gets late." I hated the thought of driving all the way to Mexico just for a stupid bottle of pills. I wanted to at least have a good beer with lime and salt chaser, or the other way around.

    Well between the border and revolution blvd there are at least 80 or 100 pharmacies. She had to stop in at each one and grab a bottle, you know before the borders closed.

    We must have carried 10,000 across the border.

    Two months later she calls me up and wants top go again.

    I tell her "NO" "How stupid to you think I'm willing to be and for how long?" (I know what those little pills go for on the street depending on the neighborhood $3 to $5 bucks each.)

    SHe gets mad. You dont just tell her no with out repercussions.

    I got sick of her sh*T, she thought I wouldn't say anything because I was guilty too. WRONG!!!!!!

    There was only the usual JC meeting blah blah blah.... She SWORE to the elders they were for her back and she never exceeds 4 pills a day. Even though she ran out within 3 months. Lets see now, 10,000 pills divided in to 4 pills per day = ______months supply. Nothing ever came of it. Of course it was kept quiet.

    She was trafficking drugs across the border, had been for years and still is to this day. AND sells it out of someone elses house and turns in the time spent there as a weekly bible study.

    She was a backstabbing two-faced bitch that would sell her mothers soul to the devil for a face-lift.


  • invisible

    Never grassed anyone up in my life, can't stand grasses.

  • kat7302

    I was ratted on countless times! I was done for smoking, attending birthday parties etc etc ..you name it I did it!

    Before I left I made sure that I went to the top guy to tell a few stories of my own. I felt it only fair as these young sisters were obviously so concerned for my spiritual welfare in the first place, I naturally had to return the favour as their spritual welfare was in a worse state than mine!

    I lost count of the elders chats........!!!!!!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Plmkrzy, I'll bet if you called the DEA they would listen to you.

    When I was pioneering - 18 or 19 years old - I had a "bible study" with the children of a couple who were inactive. Over time I got to know the Mom and Dad pretty well, and one day the Mom told me that she had had an abortion for which she and her husband had been through a Judicial Committee hearing. Then she tells me that she had a couple of abortions since then. I went to the CO and told him about it.

    That was a long, long time ago. I now feel that what I did contributed nothing to the overall righteousness of the world.

  • Dismembered

    Yes unfortunatley, It was my own kid.

  • plmkrzy
    Plmkrzy, I'll bet if you called the DEA they would listen to you.

    After everything she ATTEMPTED to do to me out of fear for her own scranny neck, believe me I was tempted to do just that. For some reason I didn't though.

    I Just keep waiting to hear on the news :

    "Jehovahs Witness arrested today on charges of drug trafficing, full story on the 6:00 news"

    I can see it now. The DEA and Border Patrol and her in hand cuffs, cameras zoom in on her angry face as shes blurting out, "YOU CAN'T ARREST ME! I'M A JEHOVAHS WITNESS!"

    And then there are the faces of the elders watching the news right after dinner.manny moe and jack
    And of course my face...BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

    I use to feel the same way about ratting out people but eventually there comes a time when you have to grow up and make better choices.
    If someone was beating their child I'd damn sure rat them out. there is no honor in always keeping your mouth shut.

    A couple of months ago the couple in the apt below us were fighting horribly then when I herd him throwing her into the wall several times (3:00 a.m.) I couldn't stand it anymore so I got out of bed and went down to there apt and told them off. I told him if I here this shit anymore I'm calling the cops. She came out crying and apologizing, face all swollen makeup smeared all over her face and he ran out after her (no pants on) begging her to stop and I'm telling him to shut up and go put some damn pants on. There were people watching from their balconies. She came back after he moved out about 2 weeks later. Its nice and quiet again. Maybe the embarrassment of that was the last straw for her. Dont know.


  • WildTurkey

    I ratted on my own mom for smoking!! I was 19 and wanted to save her life. I did tell her before I went to the elders. I have also been ratted on more than once.

  • ErieGuy

    Several decades ago, at the very time that I (a teenager eager to please authority figures) was receiving my first privileges in the Cong, one of my family members divorced their JW spouse, moved to another city, became inactive, and started "dating" a worldly co-worker. Over a period of months, it started becoming obvious to the family that there was more than "dating" going on, and word finally got around to the Cong Servant. He started snooping around and questioning all the family, but noone would "rat out" the relative._______

    Finally, the CS questioned me (a minor) in front of my parents (who had already refused to give the CS the evidence he needed), and I spilled the beans._______

    Later, after the DF'ing occurred, the family slipped around and only pretended to shun the DF'ed, that is, ALL EXCEPT FOR ME, who obeyed the rules completely._________

    The DF'ed family member was eventually reinstated, and has spent the remainder of their life as a slave to the WTS trying to erase that backsliding period.______

    I never again have had the close relationship that I once had with that person, but even now they refuse to "rat me out" for "apostasy", rationalizing that I am only temporarily "stumbled" and will one day return._______

    As for the rest of the JW family who refused to rat out this person, and then refused to shun them after the DF'ing, they all are still "loyal" JWs.________

    Does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

  • The_Bad_Seed

    Never. All the VC got from me was my name, rank, and serial number.

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