RR, spied on you for what?
Well towards the end of my exodus ... there was apparently "apostate" literature being distributed to the friends. As well as letters being written anonymously to many n and outside the congregation including the Society. anti-witness messages were left on answering machines, etc. And some of my fellows elders thought it was me. I denied it of course, and rightfully so. I knew the mindset of those in my congregation. I wasn't about to mail out literature at my own exopense only to have it burned or dumped. I wouldn't wast emy time, money or energy mailing about "Crisis of Conscious" to dozens of people.
Well, the friends knew I had a large library, ion those days it was about 3,000 books, now it's doubled that, mostly Watchtower and watchtower relted material. So they would come over check my books for any apostate stuff. They would invite us out to dinner and ask us questions, "What did you think of the latest Watchtower article.' Silly things like that.
When I stepped down and 'joined' another congregations, the same thing happened. Every part on the meetings was about apostates and apostasy. One pioneer sister invited us over for dinner, just so happens it was on Thanksgiving, and what were we having? Turkey with all the trimmings, well you know the drill ... "it was on sale."
There was also a brown-nosing ministerial servant wannabe elder, who spent the evening asking us questions. we knew it was a trap and played along.