by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    the question was:


    "somebody", nope not me

    "somebody" is VERY "OK" in my book

    what book? the book of zev of course

    seriousley, i did once rat on an elders daughter for smoking once. i thought i was doing the right thing as a "dub". in retrospect, if i knew then what i know know... i would have just left her alone. i felt real bad about it and i never could forgive myself for doing that. chalk it up to "programing"

    Edited by - zev on 31 July 2002 11:30:20

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Hey, dad and I see everything anyway so you don't have to go tell another human about it. Another thing that always bugged me, confessing your sins to us. Come on, we saw what you did. Why would we need you to tell us? Its not like if you did it behind a lead curtain you'd be ok.

    Stupid humans...............

  • RR

    Yep .... I did ... once. And it was not an organizational sin. I had a buddy who I was concerned about. The guy drank like a fish and after I saw him go down a destructive path, I confronted two elders, one was his brother. He didn't talk to me for a long time, but after he sobered up, he realized I did it for his own good.

    Aside from that ... we had our best friends spy on us and report back to the elders with any information they could find. We found out a year after we left, when one of teh sisters called us up to tell us she was being DF'd that evening and wanted to clear her conscious and confessd she and the others spied on us for the elders.

  • minimus

    RR, spied on you for what?

  • LyinEyes

    No, I have never ratted on anyone. But this was very close, my sister in law was smoking and I caught her, she was in extreamly bad health and weighed only 80 something pounds due to complications in an old stomach stapleing. I was so worried about her dieing, and I wanted to help her, I begged her to let me commit her to rehab before she passed out one day and never woke up. She was on the verge of a heart attack. I told her I would give her two weeks to try and stop and see how she felt about going back and repenting. She lived down the street from me so I was able to be with her everyday and talk. She really didnt need to worry about the smoking at this point her health was so bad , that after she went to the hospital and had majoy reconstructive surgery on her stomach the doctors told us, she wouldnt have lived but a few more weeks . Well she did go to the elders and they met with her 2 times, they d/f her anyway. She really didnt want to stop smoking, but given her mental and physical health, I dont know that she could have at that time. The elders of course never take in to consideration how hard it is to quit smoking for some and the could care less about your emtional problems. Instead they just add to it by d/f. I only begged her to stay in even if she had to act like she was really sorry so we could still be together. After she got d/f we still were close HAHHAHA on you elders. She still needed me and I was not about to leave her. Even thou she tecnically ratted on herself, it was our family that caught her and told her she needed to go to the elders.

    I have been ratted on just last week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I have been lied on in the past also,,,,,,,,,,,, being an elders daughter can make you a target for congregation gossip .

  • zenpunk

    Never!!! Though I had been ratted on plenty of times. One sister even stole my diary out of my room when I was 15, read it and told the elders that it displayed a bad attitude. I got busted, but notice how the sister never got in trouble for stealing. That's because she was serving the borg's best interests.

  • queer_reality

    Sort of. I told my sister--she was about 20 yrs old and a pioneer--she told the elders. I knew my inactive mom was smoking. I don't think I would have really said much about it. Then I found out that she had had a major flirtation going on with "Bill", Bill being the brother of my brother's wife. That really upset me. So I told my sister about our mother's " evil" habit. I was about 15 years old at the time.

    There is more to it. Maybe I'll try to write down the whole thing someday.

    queer reality

  • somebody

    No...I never ratted anyone out.


    you are THE cutest! {just ask me} :)

    I know you could have ratted me out in 1980 when I saw you. I didn't hide what I was doing that rated being handed over to satan for. I figured that at that point, you must have known that I was done viewing and serving a printing factory as being my master.



  • Free2Bme

    Sadly I did.

    I must have come across as a perfect ratter cos not once but TWICE I was approached by friends with sex confessions who asked me to tell the elders so they could get out of the religion. It was agonising for me - especially the shunning shit I did later.

    I even ratted on myself once. I went to an elder to confess to SWEARING for ***** sake LOL.

    Got ratted on for getting drunk on a Spanish holiday...well we all did practically every night. Had to have a private counselling session in a bedroom/study alone with an elder well into perving at young women...that was real weird.

    The ratting leading to my JC was not a surprise. A word of advice..if you decide to launch into a sexual relationship and let the guy move in then moving next door to an elder's family isn't wise.


  • RR
    RR, spied on you for what?

    Well towards the end of my exodus ... there was apparently "apostate" literature being distributed to the friends. As well as letters being written anonymously to many n and outside the congregation including the Society. anti-witness messages were left on answering machines, etc. And some of my fellows elders thought it was me. I denied it of course, and rightfully so. I knew the mindset of those in my congregation. I wasn't about to mail out literature at my own exopense only to have it burned or dumped. I wouldn't wast emy time, money or energy mailing about "Crisis of Conscious" to dozens of people.

    Well, the friends knew I had a large library, ion those days it was about 3,000 books, now it's doubled that, mostly Watchtower and watchtower relted material. So they would come over check my books for any apostate stuff. They would invite us out to dinner and ask us questions, "What did you think of the latest Watchtower article.' Silly things like that.

    When I stepped down and 'joined' another congregations, the same thing happened. Every part on the meetings was about apostates and apostasy. One pioneer sister invited us over for dinner, just so happens it was on Thanksgiving, and what were we having? Turkey with all the trimmings, well you know the drill ... "it was on sale."

    There was also a brown-nosing ministerial servant wannabe elder, who spent the evening asking us questions. we knew it was a trap and played along.

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