BOE May 27, 2015 Re: Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall Construction Worldwide
by wifibandit 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
Can we say "tithe" except pretend not to?
ugh such hypocrites!
To the r&f...drippy treacly sweetness.
to the body of elders NOT to be read to the r&f 'give us all your money and give it now!!!'
Also, how do people know the money is truly spent on the 'tremendous need' for kh's and assembly halls?? And aren't they legally responsible for showing exactly where their money goes, as a 'nonprofit' org? I know that every charity I donate to has to have a breakdown like this available to the public. How about jw's?
Thanks WIFIbandit -
The foot note says to follow the instructions in "The Money Grab BOE's". -
Designer Stubble
Voluntary contributions are not so voluntary anymore. If as a true dub I pledge $100 and then loose my job, the society still thinks I owe them $1200 that year. More local needs on money, I think I prefer a collection plate.
Does anyone know if the money sent this way as a congregation is ear-marked for the "Building Fund"? I remember a while back (before they removed the box) that they actually suggested that JWs not use the "Building Fund" box and instead put it in the WWW box because, if it was put in the "Building Fund" box, legally it had to be used only for building, but the WWW funds could be used for anything.
Just curious if they can use this money for anything or only for building.
Just curious if they can use this money for anything or only for building.
<Chortle> <Snort> <Guffaw>
Oh, wait - you were serious?
Oh, OK. Well then, yes, they can & will use whatever money is sent to them, under any pretense, for any $#Q@#$ reason they #$%$^%^% well please.
Yes timelord, I have the same question. Of course they say they need it for their own TREMENDOUS growth, not for legal fees and settlements. There's no way anyone can know where the money is really going.
Well good thing I don't really have to worry about it, since it's no longer MY money. :)
the comet
Very nice! May broadcast asking for money, can you give more??? send a letter to elders suggesting maybe the congregation can review what they're sending into HQ, maybe possibly now that the r&f have been softened up by lett, they might be guilted into giving more. Nice strategy.