BOE May 27, 2015 Re: Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall Construction Worldwide
by wifibandit 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
Are there any of these 'new' windowed KH constructions started yet? Any projected dates even of that reality? -
rip van winkle
☑💯% WiFi bandito and Barney.
Was this presented to the congregations this week? all of them? -
Was this presented to the congregations this week? all of them?
Even though dated May 27 it was just posted this week. So depending on when a particular congregation has its meeting (and how alert its COBE is), it was / will be read this week / next week.
the comet
Gayle- according to a bethelite they started in Florida and New Jersey this month.
"Don't be a tight fisted giver" more begging for money
The PS to the elders says the amount can be reviewed and adjusted.
Im gonna go out on a limb here and guess that doesnt mean it can be adjusted downward?
I know we have no way of tracking what they use the money for, but they've made several announcements about ear-marking money for relief work (Katrina, Haiti, etc.) as they have to use it for that and not for something else. Legally they would have to prove where the money went if they were ever audited. There are many examples of other charities that have been caught improperly using funds.
It was just a question to satisfy my curiosity more than anything else.
according to a bethelite they started in Florida and New Jersey this month.
these are not the poorest of areas that need financial help. However, probably from real estate projections, the most lucrative for property 'flipping.'
these are not the poorest of areas that need financial help. However, probably from real estate projections, the most lucrative for property 'flipping.'
According to the LDC video (I think that's where I saw it or it could be from a friend I know in Miami), the KHs in South Florida are so packed that some people have commented that they aren't attending because of it.