Hey SixofNine,Onacruse,Alchemist,Spiceitup,ISP,Sunshinetoo,Plymkrzy,Syn,Dungbeetle, YoursChelbie,Lapuce,thank you all for your posts..>>>Hey Happyman,sometimes learning the truth about something you have put your life into can hurt.I hope things go better for you...OUTLAW
Has this place changed you?
by OUTLAW 51 Replies latest jw friends
i have always belive tahat we told 1914 as the year for christe to take place in heaven , long before 1914, a littel surpriced when i found out it was 1942 , this thing first come out from our leaders.
I must say i dont think 10 % of JW nows that.
This came as a supprise to me big time since as far as I know on the baptizim questions you still must answer 1914 as the year Jesus took his throne in heaven.
Unless it has changed since 2000. Thats the last time I spoke about it at a KH
Edited by - plmkrzy on 31 July 2002 18:18:33
This board has changed me.
- I spend too much time on the internet now
- I don't feel alone anymore
- I am starting to feel like I have a social network again--it's hard when your friends from childhood stop talking to you
- I no longer view religion as passe and harmless
- I no longer think the Borg is just misguided--they are downright criminal.
Has it changed me?
More than I could ever have imagined.
I've been out 11 years and about 8 years ago my bruv got a pc and started handing me long print-outs on Mexico/Malawi, blood etc. I was shocked and really thrown. Still got the Armageddon nightmares though. Then last May (2001) I got my own pc and started really learning EVERYTHING. I joined this forum and it was mind-blowing. I sat up all night reading posts from when Simon started it. I couldn't bear to miss anything.
It was a weird process letting go of your whole belief system and coming to terms with a future without answers. I felt angry, bitter, sad and disillusioned, especially when things got nasty in here sometimes . I had to mourn losing my religion all over again.
Now I feel healed and happy. I've let go and it feels GREAT. I want to shout from the rooftops. I want to blurt it all out when I get shunned by "friends" who think I really care and must be secretly aching to go back. I enjoy the confusion in their faces when I am happy and smiling looking directly at them instead of dropping my eyes in some sort of misplaced respect. I used to feel sorry for myself- now I feel sorry for them.
I still haven't found any spiritual answers. Don't need them. I'm happy just to live and get on with it. With the odd drop in to keep my fingers on the pulse so I can keep up the gentle work with a close relative still in.
Free (phew)
My husband and my best friend both don't fully understand what I went through as a JW. They just can't imagine it. I just showed my therapist some pages out of some of their literature and he was flabbergasted! He was sitting there reading some of the text and asked, "Who wrote this stuff!"
Here I can talk to so many who went through the same hell that I did. I understand where they are coming from and they appreciate where I'm coming from. I just can't get that anywhere else. As much as my new family loves me, they just don't know what it was like.
I guess one of the plus sides to being a JW was the fact that you could go anywhere in the world and walk into a congregation knowing that everyone there knew what you were about etc......I missed that when I left, I felt very alone and we all know its near enough impossible to try and explain things to ' worldy ' people because theres so much about the Borg which cant be put into words..
For me, coming onto here and being able to talk to people without going into the history and countless details has been a huge amount of pressure lifted.
Im not sure quite how Im taken on here, I have only been posting for a few months and I dont think I got off to the best start with all my sexual threads and I know that more than one of you thought I was a Bethel plant (spooky!)...for me the sexual stuff has always been an issue and I couldnt wait to discuss things with others to see if I was alone, whether that made people distrust me I dont know, I can only be me but I hope in the last few months that Ive gained a few friends on here and that Im making sense to some people!
Its nice to post something and have a reply straight away, thats a comfort..to know that someone somewhere is reading my words and feeling the need to talk to me.....whether its about something humourous or serious.
Im not sure that this place has changes me as much as enlightened me.
this site has provided understanding....nobody knows what it is like
unless you have "been there".....i see a therapist and i am trying to
heal....but when you don't know anything about the organization it is
hard to immagine the emotional impact...the guilt is not normal guilt>>>>it is massive
the shame is not normal shame>>>>it is crippiling
the lonliness and emptiness is not normal>>>>>>it is excrusiating
the desperation can be life threateninghere though....when some one says,,,been there done that....you just
know that they understand...jw's have their own language....when you talk about a jc meeting,
reproof,,,or shunnning,,,,no explaination is needed...the impact and
understanding is there....so,,,it is nice here...a refuge,,,a "hiding place from the storm"
It has been great to find a community of people that have been through the same struggles in recovering from the JW cult experience.
I also agree with yours chelibs (sorry if I messed up your name), I wouldn't have known about the UN scandal, Silentlambs and Dateline, etc.
And I have met in person with several board members, who were all so genuinely kind and compassionate.
Oh, and I also appreciate the huge variety of personalities. Another board I frequented was taken over by a guru type that initiated most of the threads and had a rather condecending attitude, IMHO. That's one thing I really appreciate about Simon, he has made this board a place for recovery and hasn't felt the need to make it about himself...thanks Simon!
Outlaw: I share your feelings. I am not sure this place has changed me, but it has influenced me. Except for a couple of nasty flame wars, it has been a great lace to be.
CC Ryder
When Tink and I first got our computer back about 4 years ago, we came across a board similar to this one...I think TR was the one who maintained it...We are very grateful we found other people who were in similar circumstances...After TR's board I think Kent had one too...but we went a while without contact with anyone except for Helens board (Bric-a-Brac). This board is absolutely the best...it was overwhelming to me when I realized how many have left the Borg..We both have met alot of great people...YES it has definately helped change us for the better...our wounds are finely healing...Thanks to all our great friends!!