Maybe he will play at some Charity benefit! FARM AID 2002!
Has this place changed you?
by OUTLAW 51 Replies latest jw friends
Actually, my wife has good taste those guy do rock , and you are cute as hell OutLaw!!!
termite 35
Well, finding this site during the UN fiasco was the luckiest break of my life!
It gave me the balls to stand up and announce that i'd never be back and for what reasons.The information here made me feel confident in fighting my corner when I was accused of being spiritually weak and lacking the proper attitude.
And it continues to give me somewhere to go when talking to my husband is about as appealing as having my legs sawn off with a rusty penknife by a surgeon who's really an escaped mental patient,after finding out my tetanus jab's out of date.
yes it has changed me, but i fear not for the better, it has made me even more skeptical and more distrusting of individuals than ever.
this is the only place where i have ever seen people making threats to reveal others true ID, etc.
to boot the administrator of the forum collects info on you, although i don't see where it's covered in his policy, and then make threats to use the info he gathers on you to turn you into your employer. talk about control and misuse of power.
you asked the question OUTLAW, i'm just giving you an honest reply.
Wiz you need a hug, well not from me, but you need a hug.....
Being one of the nons and never haves,I cant say this site has changed me,however,it has certainly opened my eyes to the pain and bravery of you good people who are now nons and trying to be nons.
Also I have met some wonderfull folks,so thinking about it,without this site,I would never have met them,so maybe it has changed my life.
Take care,
<---- (((cautiously hugz wiz))). r u feeling crappy or what?
wiz....if it's changed you for the worse, and its all that bad...then...may i ask....(sincerely)
what keeps you coming back? is there nothing good or positive that appeals to you here?
i hope there is.
i'd like to say that when i first came to this forum i found some of your posts very interesting to read. you seem like an strong, intelligent thinker to me. and you "stood out" for that reason. really, your articulate posts are among the ones that initially kept me coming back for more.
it kinda saddens me that you are expressing such a strictly negative viewpoint lately and, uh, repeatedly, and seem to have lost your analytical edge in favor of a more strictly emotional bent. who knows...maybe your are just struggling like the rest of us to kinda blend and balance/reconcile the two (thinking and feeling, i mean).
i dunno, IMO there are pros and cons to EVERYTHING and EVERYWHERE and EVERYONE in real life and in virtual life, but personally, i learn from it all and I pick and choose what and how I will let it all change me. so if something changes me for the bad, it's only cuz I let it. and if something changes me for the good, i give myself the credit for letting that happen too. (do i sound conceited or what? LOL. it's not about conceit though...its about staying in charge of my own life experience cuz if i let everyone else run my experience and dictate how i feel from it...i'd go crazy. the blame game is a waste of my time.)
i do wish for you to be able to see some of the abundant "pros" too!
you're entitled to your opinion of course, even if it's predominantly negative or angry. and i appreciate your honesty/candor as well. i'd just hate to see you let your anger or frustration over the negative get the best of you, cuz i think you have a lot to offer this place. there is an interesting quote i saw recently..."when someone angers you, he has conquered you". i hope you won't forever stay mad about the things that have pissed you off in the past.
health and peace to you ((wiz)).SPAZ <----speculates about whether wiz is a gemini?
Just wanted to chime in on your discussion with my 2 cents. This place may not have changed me, but it certainly has assisted me beyond measure. It has provided so much support just when the JWs would withdraw all support. This is a great place to be!
Does theWIZ need cheering up?
Try This
Edited by - plmkrzy on 1 August 2002 22:33:10
Edited by - plmkrzy on 1 August 2002 22:34:0
plm, yer attachment isn't working for me...can you fix that?
ok i see it now.
HAHA...plm...that wuz cute....looked like he hugged my screen. too cute.
(now i can't see how the wiz could possibly resist that kinda monkey wuv. LOL)
SPAZEdited by - SPAZnik on 1 August 2002 22:48:35