I was in town today and spoke to a woman i knew and to my surprise she told me she was a satanist member,i then discussed things dealing with god,spirit forces,occult etc.This then made me think if theres no god where do these active forces come from,is there really a realm of spirit creatures called demons,she then told me that these forces are very powerful and can harm those who interfere with there operations,also she said they have a vast amount of knowledge at their disposal and can give her information which couldnt be known otherwise. But does this prove theres a creator ?
Do wicked spirits prove a creator exists?
by haujobbz 22 Replies latest jw friends
No, it proves she is just as brainwashed as the rest of the Borg. Does reason tell you what she is saying is meritous?
to my surprise she told me she was a satanist member
Okay, why do they tell this stuff anyway? Was she flaunting this fact about herself? The reason I ask is because I just moved into a neighborhood and everyone new that I meet asks, "Have you met the lesbian Witch that lives out here?" Evidently, when she introduces herself, she says "Hi I'm Cherrie and I'm a lesbian Witch." I can't understand why she introduces herself this way. At least that is what everyone is telling me that she says when she meets a new person. I don't say, "Hi I'm Tara, and I'm a straight fallen JW." So I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to say when she introduces herself to me. Any ideas?
Edited by - writerpen on 31 July 2002 16:18:25
Edited by - writerpen on 31 July 2002 16:23:50
"Do wicked spirits prove a creator exists?" is an example of begging the question. The underlying assumption is that wicked spirits exist, based upon the comments of a Satanist.
This assumption must first be demonstrated as being accurate with evidence and testing in a controlled environment. Only then can the question derived from the assumption be considered valid.
Well if you believe in spooky stuff, its a comforting thought that there is something good out there balancing it out.
If the satanist could prove that what he is talking about was real, that would only prove that that spirit exists. It wouldn't prove there was a creator. A spirit world could have always existed the same way that christians say that god always existed, even without a bible type creator god.
Edited by - saintsatan on 31 July 2002 17:13:43
So how do you explain :
demon possesion in africa
voodoo magic
witches curses
weegee boards
dead talking
I mean are all these just hoax's or coincedence,when you say "controlled enviroments" whats the point your making.
demon possesion in africa
voodoo magic
witches cursesTrust me...if ANY of that worked 'as advertised'....uhhhh...nevermind....
I've never seen a properly executed curse cause something to happen that would not have anyway.
weegee boards
Spelled 'ouija' (yeah, I know).
Works about as good as any other divination method - IE., relies a LOT on the parties involved.
dead talking
Well then those aren't 'demons' then, are they? I mean, assuming they really are dead people talking....I'd call that....uhhhh...'dead people talking'?
Edited by - Xander on 31 July 2002 17:19:23
If the existance of wicked spirits could be proven, then it would prove the existance of a spirit realm. Good and bad spirits are two sides of the same coin, so the existance of one would make the existance of the other likely.
Unfortunately, the claim of a somewhat deluded, self-professed Satanist is hardly evidence.
For a refutation of this type of claptrap, I recommend Carl Sagan's "The Demon Haunted World - Science as a Candle in the Dark".
Double Edge
I believe it does. But if you want to take it from a 'Logic' perspective, it too would logically 'prove' that a creator exists...opposites, etc. , a yen for a yang, a positive and negative...etc., etc.
of course, it's MHO
Edited by - Double Edge on 31 July 2002 17:21:55