My husband and I took my 5 year old cousin to see Lilo and Stitch the other day. (Her mother has been a regular pioneer for 18 years) Mind you this child cannot read or even count to 100. She out of the blue says to me "Do you know if you do not go to meetings you will die at Armagedon?" She goes on to say that if she salutes the flag or eats birtday cake she will die and she knows her friend at school will die because she slautes the flag. I could not believe this comming from a 5 year old. I told her she does not have to worry about God killing her friend or her. It sickend me to hear this little girl so brainwashed in doing what the witnesses want. I felt so bad that this fear of God killing her was inside her and she believed everyone was going to die if they were not a Jehovah's Witness. I guess that means I am doomed for destruction.
5 Year Old Cousin Says Who Will Live & Die
by Scarlet 13 Replies latest jw experiences
Stories like this sicken me and remind me of why I fight to help expose the corruption and hypocrisy found to be so rampant in Watchtower doctrine and Jehovah's Witness practices.
That poor that age to be consumed with the thoughts of death and destruction of her other classmates, whom are children!
Your bloodguilt and destruction of lives through dividing families and preventing education and a good quality of life in so many instances leaves a stench that reeks to the high heavens.
One day we will see your end, and I will be there to celebrate over your rotting carcass.
Edited by - Reborn2002 on 1 August 2002 1:1:26
I did the same at 2 years old. I walked into my grandparents' house (they are not JWs), saw their Christmas tree up, and said, "Christmas is bad. You're going to die." At 2 years of age.
My grandparents are rejoicing now.
Didn't we all do the same? How many victims are still jailed within the Watchtower Walls doing this?
Be happy you're out. Now we can help the others escape.
Witch Child
:Hi everyone. Sad isn't it? My kids used to tell me I was going to die too. They were really sad about me dying, till i got through to them that the jws are full of nonsense.They are happier now, though my ex continues to force them to go to meetings etc.
Pierced Angel
When my daughter would get sad and start contemplating life without her grandma, cousins, etc. That's when I started seeing what a crock it was. I didn't believe that they were wicked and evil people just because they didn't worship Jehovah, but that's what we were being taught at the kingdumb hall.
I'm so happy to be free of that and that my kids can live life without that gloomy fear hanging over their childhood.
It's sad to know that JW's believe EVERYONE is going to die....and real soon, too, at least in Jehovah's day of 1000 years.
It's disgusting how children are manipulated that way. It's pure bigotry.
Done the same myself......
I used to be at every school debating session preaching to all the other children - I wanted to be just like the picture of Jesus in the Yellow WTS book (the one where he is preaching as a 13 year old to the priests in Jerusalem and his parents come looking for him). I ws ridiculed and spat upon but I rejoiced because the BORG - anization told me in the WT that if you are "despised by people of the world for being a witness then Jehovah truly loves you."
SICK B###TARDS! Twisting children's minds is the worst thing you can do and they are the prime culprits. Leave kids to have fun and work the world out for themselves, don't give them baggage that they'll be carrying around for years after getting out of the nuthouse.
PS. Thank you again for setting up this site Simon. I'm releasing loads of pent-up shit out to people who really do understand and empathise.
tales of the "boogie man" pale in comparison to what JW children hear......has anyone seen the old orange "paradise lost to paradise regained" book? Illustrations depicted Armageddon with the earth opening up and people screaming as they were sucked into the crevices. Small JW children actually studied that book! Of course if you were a JW you'd be spared from the wrath of need to get attached to neighbors, other children, or non-jw relatives, they were only going to be wiped out by God.......
then there are also the lovely "demon" tales that JW children are told until they're neurotic.....
my niece's JW grandmother actually had her convinced, at six years old, that demons could get her non-JW schoolmates.....