by Mary 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    I'm tired as hell today. Yesterday, I typed up a flyer saying how Jehovah's Witnesses' protect pedophiles, and how many who have spoken out trying to protect children from WT policy have been excommunicated from the church. I didn't want to make it too long, but I ended by saying "how would you feel if on Saturday morning, a knock comes to the door and your 6 year old runs to open it. There stands a JW who may or may not be a pedophile, ready to preach to you."

    I went to the local shopping mall and put one (folded) flyer on each car (LOL!!!) I hope some of them were Witness cars!!!! I've done this for the last 2 nights and I'm sure I've lost 3 or 4 pounds with all that walking......I still got about 200 left, so I'll be doing some more today!!!

    While most "worldly" people don't give a damn what goes on within the confines of the BORG-anization, the DO give a damn about child molestors, especially given the recent spat of abductions of so many children right from their own homes. As everyone knows JWs COME TO YOUR DOOR, I think alot of people's irritation at Witnesses could turn to out and out hostility if they realize that pedophiles are actually knocking on their front doors.

    Yep, it's alot of walking and folding and paper cuts, but I would like to encourage anyone and everyone who can do this at your local shopping mall or movie theatre - ANYWHERE where there's alot of parked cars, to do this. If all these Witnesses keep getting questioned about the "pedophile problem", it'll put a nice little damper in how many W&A they place that month and hopefully, it'll have a dominos effect........

    Edited by - MARY on 1 August 2002 9:39:39

  • nita6368

    Good for you!!! Hope it upsets the JW in your area and puts the JW's lurking on this board on alert that it might be their neighborhood next!

  • rosalyn

    See all that training while in the org paid off Mary...Best to of luck to you

  • SpiceItUp

    YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Dino

    Good for you Mary!!!!

    I love activism against that organization.

    Instead of sitting around doing nothing, you have taken vital action.

    When the JWs are forcibly confronted with uncomfortable questions from an informed householder, they will have to wonder why their leadership has not been honest with them.

    I admire and respect your fine spirit.


  • SpiceItUp


    Can you either post a copy of the flyer up or email me with exactly what you said on it. I would be willing to do the same but I also belive that efforts should be consistent. Thanks.

  • orangefatcat

    Mary you have done a great thing, you are a real crusader. Bless you. if you e-mail I have a suggestion for you I recieved from someone in England. My email is not locked.

    Congratulations, your a womans to be praised, and of her word.

  • Crystal

    YOU JUST MOTIVATED ME TO GET OFF MY BUTT..think i will start with the KH...just for fun...them move to mall.

    Here is a flyer i got from silentlamb.



    Are pedophiles protected by policies of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    When Witness officials have chosen to respond to the media about this question, they offer misinformation and tell uninformed Jehovah's Witnesses that this is not a problem. The question that begs to be answered is where does the truth lie? Could this organization be a pedophile paradise? When the accused molester is one of Jehovahs Witnesses, a review of the five following questions can help you form an opinion about this issue.

    1. If a confessed/convicted pedophile were to move into a congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses, would the members be informed by anyone in the church?

    2. If you were one of Jehovahs Witnesses and a pedophile molested your child, would you be allowed to warn other parents in your congregation?

    3. If a pedophile denied he molested your child, and you could not produce another witness to the act of molestation, would the church discipline the pedophile in any way?

    4. If state law does not require church officials to report that a minor has been molested, will it be reported?

    5. If, as an adult, you charge a pedophile of molestation when you were a child and he denies it, will the church discipline the pedophile? Would they remove the sex offender from serving in any official capacity?

    The answers to the above questions are NO. If Jehovah's Witnesses endeavor to state otherwise, they have been misinformed about Watchtower policy.

    If you would like to learn the reasons we answer NO to these questions, please review our website at www.silentlambs.org. Therein, you will find the testimony of hundreds of victims of molestation whose experiences agree with silentlambs conclusions. Our organization is endeavoring to reach out to those who suffer as silentlambs, those who are afraid to speak out because of the threats and sanctions their religion may place against them. Silentlambs is a (501,C,3) non-profit organization dedicated to the healing and closure, which victims of child molestation so desperately need. Help for victims of sexual abuse by one of Jehovahs Witnesses or by sex offenders in any religion can be reached at 1-877-WTABUSE. The first step to expose this great wrong that has been wrought on so many innocent children is to SPEAK OUT.


    Specific Symptoms

    Children who have been sexually abused frequently have specific symptoms:

    Copying adult sexual behavior
    Persistent sexual play with other children, themselves, toys or pets
    Displaying sexual knowledge, through language or behavior, that is beyond what is normal for their age
    Unexplained pain, swelling, bleeding or irritation of the mouth, genital or anal area; urinary infections; sexually transmitted diseases
    Hints, indirect comments or statements about the abuse
    If you need assistance we can be reached at:


    PO Box 311,

    Calvert City, KY 42029


    1-877-WTABUSE (982-2873) toll free

  • Scully


    There is also a good example of a flyer for distribution at Nicolaou's site:


    Love, Scully

  • YoursChelbie

    Flyers are a great idea, any more suggestions of easy to print flyers?



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