Well done, Mary! It is high time that this info gets into the hands of the public.
by Mary 24 Replies latest jw friends
Granny Linda
Atta girl, Mary. :)
Truthseeker1: I really enjoyed your comments, too. I'm 3rd generation, making it a total of 5th generation. That is so sickening to me. I'm in agreement that it does not show much courage to go door-to-door. Speaking only from personal experience, when I dared go through the door(s) of fear, then I began making progress. For the first time in my life there was a sense of hope. With that came some strength and it was my personal affirmation that things could, and would, be different.
JW's lack any a sense for who they are. Everything is gauged according to the dictates of men...how does that really work when we're told to seek spiritual things. Definitely grounds for creating neurosis in the individual who doesn't accept self-responsibility. At least that's how I see it most days.
Although I can spout off about JW's, I've found similiar patterns of behavior in any group I'd ever spent time with. From the 12-Step program (which personally I give great credit to) too the religious/spiritual and political crowds. Hell, even at the local community center my husband and I volunteer for; one cannot escape the political angle.
Guess that topic should wait until another time. I'd enjoy reading what other's might think re; just how the political agenda of the FED might be one of the most pressing issues that confront any of us. That even religion bows down to that force; as witnessed by the 501(c) tax exempt status.
Enough ramblings from me.
You're flyer is a super idea! I copied the text to my MS Word program. A few words had the red underline because of being misspelled. I hope it's OK-- I fixed it for you!
If anybody wants one, I can e-mail the revised text as an attachment in MS Word format--ready for PRINTING! It comes out as exactly two pages of text (front and back) Of course if you like the font smaller, it may fit into one page.
Thanks Mary!
I'm going to KinKos tomorrow morning and then I'm off "Street Witnessing" all day. That should bring back so many memories...
P.S. I have a couple of questions, Mary coud you e-mail me?
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 1 August 2002 23:49:1
im printing one out and putting it on my dorm door!
also, on spet 27th, i will be near the local KH handing them out to anyone that comes by. -
And please, everyone, don't forget to tell us about the experiences in your special field services. OK ?
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Mary, Great!!)))))))))))))))))))))))))