Does Ray Franz owe us an apology? (Not, Ray Franz owes us an apology)
(Ok lets add this on)Do those who are or were governing body members have a greater amount of responsability than witnesses in general?At what point do we stop being victims and become instigaters?
This may have been discussed before but I'm not sure.So sorry if it has.
Anyway does Ray Franz who was once part of the governing body of jehovahs witnesses,that governed our lives, owe us an apology for the part he played?.Maybe he has apologised, (Though I can't remmeber that standing out in his books, but I might have missed it)or was he just a victim like us?Should he do more to help witnesses, or has he done enough or is there no more he could have done?
Does he share in the blame for the governing bodies disissions that resulted in the deaths of witnesses due to refusal of blood , persecusion(Malawi)etc.
Have you forgiven him?
If we do hold him partly responable, how do you feel about your part in preaching the message of jehovahs witnesses, are you responsable for other peoples deaths and messed up lives,by say, taking a stand on blood and giving talks praising pioneering ;and encouraging others to do the same?
Edited by - sleepy on 1 August 2002 11:47:17
Edited by - sleepy on 1 August 2002 12:28:11