I suffered mental ill health towards the end of my time with the Borg. I had terrible panic attacks, often during meetings. After years of arriving early, taking full part, and leaving late for 'association with the brothers', I could no longer handle it and started arriving at the last minute, sitting at the back and leaving as soon as I could.
My comfort? Whilst waiting in my car for my daughter to enjoy her 'fellowship' an elder approached and sat down in the passenger seat. "Don't think I don't know what your plan is. It is pretty obvious to all that you are intent on leaving the truth. On your own head be it". With that he got out and slammed the door. Incidentally this elder and his wife had been personal friends of mine for some 8 years.
I actually went on to have a nervous breakdown. No one came, and few cared. I can count on the fingers of one hand the people who came to inquire after me - and this was after 13 years of faithful service - accomplished in spite of being in a disastrous marital relationship.
So don't expect any sympathy from the Borg - it seems to me few there are willing to give it. I do have to say about those few though, they are truly worth their weight in gold and I will always remember the kindnesses they showed to me.
Edited by - Ice Blue on 3 August 2002 10:22:9