Elders Wives: The Chosen Ones.............
I can't stand their hoity-toity attitude towards everyone else at the Hall. Even if you are priviledged (vomit!) enough to have one of them actually stoop low enough to talk to you, there's always that condesending attitude when they do as though your life should be complete now that one of THEM has given up 5 minutes of her useless life to socialize with the likes of you!
Most elders wives are a bunch of lazy, gossipy, competitive women: Few of them have ever (or WILL ever) work outside the home, even though their kids are in high school or even gone, and they have virtually no concept of life outside of their family, the gossip in the congregation, and what new toy some other elders' wife just bought which SHE must have immediately!!! And what about that sister that's just lost 35 lbs?!! How did she do it??! I'm SURE she must be anorexic or bulimic!!!! And I want to do MY bedroom like Martha Stewart too!! I don't care HOW much it costs!! Why doesn't my husband make more money to keep me living in the lap of luxury??!!!
Plus, I find alot of the elders wives, along with the elders themselves, are a bunch of frigging drunks..........seriously.
Edited by - MARY on 2 August 2002 18:48:49