If you are a Jehovah's Witness parent I would like to say something to you.
Shame On You!
Shame on you for belonging to an organization of men who teach you that your children and your family should be less important to you than obeying their words, just because they claim to speak for God. Shame on you for not remembering that loving and caring for your family should be your first priority.
Shame on you for taking part in covering up for pedophiles. It is you who did not believe a young child who had the courage to ask for help and to be protected from a rapist father. By being a part of this organization, you have returned a young, scared child to a home to be raped again and again by a man who has already confessed to doing so.
Shame on you for partiking in the death of children who could have been save if you had not denied them proper medical treatment. Shame on you for letting the Watchtower convince you not to look into the facts. If you had, you would have known that the Watchtower Society has killed in the past due to other murderous medical policies in their history that have been changed and then swept under the carpet.
Shame on you for shunning your children and other family members who have chosen not to be part of this sick Society of false prophets. You are the most important person in their life. They need you and yet you cast them off because they have left your organization of men. You may never be able to make up for the pain you have caused.
If you have this information but still remain, you are knowingly taking part in the destruction of families and the death and rape of children. Shame on you for not protecting your own children from this destructive organization, and shame on you for helping the Watchtower destroyl and scar the lives of children around the world. Whatever comfort you have found in the words of these con artists or those who follow them, you are selfish to put that ahead of the care of your children.