by You Know 176 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    There was no full blown panic crisis.,there was no crash down mode,there was no war (military or financial) due to financial collapse.YOU LOSE!..Pay up!or prove me wrong...OUTLAW

  • Valis
    Actually Larouche said that the whole Y2K thing was a fraud intended to pump up tech spending to fuel the Nasdaq bubble, which of course blew out a couple of months into Y2K

    That is way false. First Larouche is a computer illiterate conspiracy freak moron just like you. Second the Y2K probs were very real and needed fixes. Yeah lots of people made lots of money off it, including myself, but once again you show yourself for what you are. Just another two bit paranoid asshole that people have to put up with AND that doesn't know a goddam thing about computers, the real world, or how to be a decent person for that matter.

    I'm tempted to do some embedding......but then you would just go crying to Simon like you did the last time..*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • You Know
    You Know

    Outlaw, I can keep this up a lot longer than you can.

    There is no need to prove that you are wrong. You are simply wrong. The day after 9-11 the United States declared war on terrorism and went and blew up Afghanistan. Bush said at the time that the war could go on for 10 years or more. Just because the bombs aren't falling at the presernt moment doesn't mena that there is not a state of war. Iraq seems to be on the hit list next. I get the impression that you are not much on history or current events, but WWII started off with a bang and then stalled out for a period, which was called the Phony War at the time, before it recommenced with a vengence. So you are simply an ignorant buffoon if you are saying that there is not a state of war. You prove yourself wrong. I don't have to. / You Know


    More bullshit! The war with Afganistan had nothing to do with financial collapse,It was because of terrorist attacks.Your bet was not about terrorist attacks it was about economic collapse..Once again..prove me wrong...OUTLAW

  • You Know
    You Know

    Nipple Boy, actually you don't know what you are talking about. I for one bought into the Y2K meltdown scenario. At first I didn't, but the more I read about it I became convinced that the system would probably crash. LaRouche said all along that it was going to be a non-event. He was right. Dubula was assuming that because I thought Y2K was going to be bad that I got that from LaRouche. / You Know

    Edited by - You Know on 6 August 2002 13:1:44

  • plmkrzy

    I just have to laugh at the fools who are still debating over a thread I started almost a year ago. / You Know

    Outlaw, I can keep this up a lot longer than you can.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 6 August 2002 12:58:43

  • You Know
    You Know


    The war with Afganistan had nothing to do with financial collapse,It was because of terrorist attacks.Your bet was not about terrorist attacks it was about economic collapse

    Nonsense. 9-11 had everything to do with the financial system. Besides, I didn't say how war would erupt or what form it would take. I merely said that if the financial system would either crash or it would be in a state of war. Any way you look at it there is a state of war that continues to the present day. Just because you are ignorant about how the Devil runs his world doesn't mean I am a liar. It just means you are ignorant. / You Know

  • plmkrzy

    I just have to laugh at the fools who are still debating over a thread I started almost a year ago. / You Know

    Outlaw, I can keep this up a lot longer than you can.


    More Bullshit! The terrorists did not fly into the WTC because of financial collapse..Once again retard.. prove me wrong...OUTLAW

  • You Know
    You Know

    You had better be careful there Plumcrazy. Seeing images of a dozen YKs might drive some of these poor folks into going postal or something. LOL / You Know

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