If you were put in charge of the Governing Body tomorrow...

by FusionTheism 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FusionTheism

    If you were somehow magically put in-charge of the Governing Body tomorrow, by Jesus, with the rules being, you could not teach anything that would be considered outright apostasy and you could not teach anything that would be considered to cause doubt about God's existence... (So as not to arouse suspicion)

    What "New Light" or "Clarified Understandings" would you introduce first?

    And which later on?

  • azor
    State that it is all bunk along with the bible and gods/religions. Apologize for all the harm done and set up a fund for all those that have lost loved ones to this corrupt despicable cult.
  • Oubliette

    You say "put in charge" but then you put conditions and restrictions on this hypothetical role that make it impossible to do anything.

    That being said, every GB that has come along has apostatized from the last. So your "what if" is a fail from the start.

  • Tornintwo

    I'd say we've made a lot of mistakes!

    We no longer want to be masters over your faith, if your conscience allows you to take blood, celebrate birthdays etc etc the it's between you and Jehovah, there'll be no sanctions. Reconsider the stance on blood and prove that Jesus emphasized the value of life above all else.

    id change the disfellowshipping, reinstatement arrangement, no more shunning. Presumably if people want to come to the hall they want to try to do things right, that's enough. Restrictions could be no preaching and teaching but not being ignored by people.

    Id take away the hierarchy, labels and counting hours. For statistics you can count conversions not hours (3000 souls were added, scriptural example)

    I'd emphasis love and acceptance, mercy etc. say "we're trying to follow gods word and Jesus example the best we can and we hope we have his approval" , but not "we're right and everyone else is completely wrong". Stop calling other people worldly and say we hope Jehovah is merciful to as many as possible in the time of the end. As for preaching it would be more about basic Christianity.

    I'd gradually reexamine every teaching without the prejudice of past teachings and tradition of men, or the desire to control others .

    Oh, and I'd organise loads of social events especially for the young ones.

    vote for me!

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    I would institute Bible reading from Genesis to Revelation. The book study and the WT study

    will cover each verse in the Bible. No other study aid, only the Bible. A chapter a week,

    remember you are bible students. After a year of reading the bible then compare it

    to what you have been taught from the WT.

  • fukitol

    Blood policy - Announce 'new light' that since blood transfusions do not involve the loss of a life or 'soul' then they are not scripturally prohibited, since all scriptural injunctions against blood involve the loss of a life. But is totally up to one's conscience and applicable to baptised, mature members of the congregation only (not babies and children). Announce that it is sin to shun or ostracise persons who in good conscience have a blood transfusion.

    Child abuse policy - Announce that the 'two witness' rule no longer applies, and the elders will immediately report all allegations of child abuse to the secular authorities, whether or not state law requires them too (God's ways should be higher than mans), and no paedophile is to ever have any privilege in the congregation again, ever!

    Shunning/disfellowshipping policy - announce that the pre-Knorr policy is to be reinstated, ie, that persons who simply disagree with some teaching or policy are not to be shunned. And all other shunning is for social interaction only, not absolutely and total shunning (ie, marking, not shunning). You can still say hello and be generally polite and spiritually encouraging but shouldn't eat or socialise with willfully immoral, unrepentant persons (mark them, but don't shun).

    1914 - announce that it is a matter of personal choice whether one wishes to believe it or not, and that it's no longer a mandatory requirement of belief to remain in good standing or to preach it.

    Door to door work - announce that it is no longer required or expected of everyone, but only those who voluntarily wish to devote themselves to Jehovah's service in this special way (as is the case with any other congregational privilege).

  • Syme

    I'd issue a letter to all congregations that would explain that: a) evolution is true, b) Adam never existed, there's no ransom, c) the Abrahamic deity is a myth as all other tribal end ethnic deities are, d) this is the only life you'll ever have and e) the FDS & WTS is dissolved.

    With concluding words: "Live your life. You are free now".

  • punkofnice
    I would introduce the 'f' word into the watchtower.
  • Ucantnome
    The trinity
  • fukitol
    'the trinity' LMAO! wtf?

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