If you were put in charge of the Governing Body tomorrow...

by FusionTheism 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard
    I would openly acknowledge that the LIE-ble is not just full of mistakes, but lies. It was intended to enslave the masses, and prepare the world for communism. The whole concept that we are inherently sinners (hence, indebted) is false. As is the fictitious character invented as the archetype of the perfect slave in response to this, attaching salvation from this bogus "original sin" to being the perfect slave. Pretty much the whole platform of Christi-SCAM-ity would be debunked openly.
  • cappytan

    I would start making it even more culty so that more people wake up. Publicly contradict myself. Start talking about how we should be ready to drink the Governinf Body's kool aid if we say so.

    Start requiring women to wear burkas.

    anything and everything to create doubt in the organization


    I would depose all existing members of the GB due to their "pattern of wrongdoing." They would be publicly reproved.

    I would change the DFing/punishment dogma and only allow the local congregation to discipline a local member. By congregation, I mean every single member of any given congregation. No more "star chambers."

    I would change the charter of the WTBTS as well. The term "the truth", would no longer be used to describe JWIsm. The charter would require all members to agree that JWism is not "the truth." If you don't like it, you are free to go, consequence free.

    No more hourly requirement for preaching. No more "special" titles.

    No more mention of money, except to say," We are NEVER mentioning donations again. There is a box in the back. If any individual wants the accounts information, it is available at the official website."

    That's right, every single congregation's bank transactions/ bills ect, would be available to the public. If congregation "A" in the USA has surplus funds, but congregation "Z" in Africa has unpaid bills or needs a roof, then I, the publisher, decide where to send my donation. That will put an end to "misappropriated donations."

    ALL Co's are now required to get a job, like Paul. I won't kick you to the curb, but you have to get a job....period. Don't worry. Since there is no man-made hourly requirement to be "spiritual", you can decrease your service time. Welcome to reality! 😁

    Also, I would make it official that we have no idea when the "End" is. Do want to go to College? That's your call! Do you want a career? Again, your call.

    You have time for school/careers because there is only one meeting a week. It's on Sunday. All other "meetings" are left up to individual congregants to organize. Yay!!!

    Mandatory background checks on all members who wish to call themselves "JWs", no exceptions.

    After implementing these changes, which would effectively kill JWism, I would quit.


  • flipper

    " If you were put in charge of the Governing Body tomorrow..........."

    They'd be thrown into prison and brought to justice for committing crimes against humanity and murder charges, child abuse, Ponzi schemes, and fraud. Then they'd be locked up for life thrown into the " abyss " or prison and not even be released after a thousand years. Worse fate than the imaginary " Satan " they tell everybody about. Translation - they die in prison

  • paradisebeauty

    I would introduce the following new light:

    - the "organization" is not the only channel of communication with God. God does not have an organisation on Earth, He deals with individuals not with organizations.

    - other christians from other religions will be saved

    - all christians are anointed and can have the help / access to the holly spirit

    - all partake at commemoration

    - there will be a new earth and new heavens

    - do not turn a report on preaching

    - no shunning

    - no judgment for those who want to celebrate a day or not

  • punkofnice
    cappytan5 hours agoI would start making it even more culty so that more people wake up. Publicly contradict myself. Start talking about how we should be ready to drink the Governinf Body's kool aid if we say so.
    Start requiring women to wear burkas.
    anything and everything to create doubt in the organization

    I think they're almost at this stage without knowing what frauds they are beginning to look in the eyes of their slaves.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
  • wisdomfrombelow
    I would probably institute a 2-way dialog with people being able to send comments and feedback via the jw.org website and do many more anonymous polls and surveys of the congregations. Then I would institute that names of the writers are listed for all articles just like they list the names of the speakers so people are held accountable for what they write. No more hiding behind anonymous written words. Not much of a change at all but something that the congregation could easily accept and then once they start to get empowerment it will be hard to stop it from growing.
  • Vidiot

    FusionTheism - "If you were put in charge of the Governing Body tomorrow..."

    I'd shut it all down.

  • StrongHaiku

    If the goal is to change the Organization into "gentler/kinder cult", you could change a number of things. But, for me, that's not sufficient, because regardless of changes it would still be a dangerous organization and I want it to be dissolved and forgotten. Making the Organization "gentler and kinder" would only delay the inevitable. I would turn the Organizations into an amped-up Old Testament saga.

    I would make it so you could be disfellowshipped for wearing mixed, eating shrimp, talking back to parents, and require them to sell everything, etc. I would require them to be vegetarian, have no technology, etc. to get ready for New System. I would shape the Organization to be as literally close to the bible as possible. People would be disfellowshipped every week by the dozens.

    Over time, there would not be ONE SINGLE PERSON in the Organization that could possibly follow ALL the rules. At which point, I would disfellowship myself, drop the mike, turn out the lights, and walk out.

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