FT - Truth trumps all. Love and kindness are the works of our social empathy which is truth and demonstrable. From what I have been studying since I left the jw cult I've found the study and application of ethics to be a better guide to morals than the bible by far. I agree with you that there are some good things in the bible.
You appear to be holding on to the notion that belief in god is necessary for morality. That was an area I struggled with initially as well. So I took my research in that direction. Have you, listened to the YouTube channel Evid3nc3, dawkins god delusion or anything about morality without God?
If you haven't, ask yourself why not? Could it be that you are worried that once you do, you know subconsciously what the outcome will be. If so how is that any different from jw's refusing to research their doubts about watchtower. Much is at stake. Once I left I refused to be anyone's slave again. Truth trumps all. I believe in research, research, research, and will never just take someone else's word for it again.