I dont mean to sound disrespectful but you are getting exactly what you deserve. And if I were in their position, I would take similar actions against you too because its all they seem to know how to do.
The fact is that you Bill Bowen are a stand-up guy and they are sniveling cowards, and this is how cowards deal with people like you. Their problem with you Bill is that you just refuse to play by their rules and you wont roll over and you wont play dead.
You were supposed to turn a blind eye to the abuse going on like so many others in the organization have, but you didnt. And now through all the publicity you have generated, you are shinning a light on them and they are scrambling like a bunch of cockroaches.
In their twisted geriatric minds they are taking a logical course of actions against you. From their viewpoint you got in their face about it, you showed them up for what they are, and now they are dealing with you in the only way they know how. How sad to see Gods supposed channel act like foolish old men, but that is what they are fools.
Hang in there my friend, you are better then they are and you have thousands if not millions on your side.
Freeman (proud to just share the planet with someone like Bill Bowen)