This is an interesting article from the Guardian,7369,769755,00.html (you may have to copy the whole url and paste it to work)
The United States has grown far too strong for any other power on earth to come up and provide a balance. If the UK is feeling unsettled by this how much more are countries like Russia and China?
If any of you played the game Risk, then one can see a player growing powerful at the expense of the infighting of others. This exactly what happened to the US. While European powers struggled for dominance throughout this century, the US, separated safely behind a large ocean, grew stronger and intervened only to tip the balance and garner the rewards. The US was never in real jeopardy.
If the prophetic image of Babylon the Great as mentioned in the book of Revelations applies to the US, then one can understand how countries who were once close US allies are going to one day turn against it. And, if those ex-allies are going to turn against the US, they somehow better do it in one fell swoop (as the Revelations book stipulated), as no one will be able to stand if the US is given a chance to strike back.
Edited by - Defender on 6 August 2002 0:38:4