I don't know if you Eurpeans know about this, but America has a problem with self image. Really. You can tell by watching TV for an evening.
You may not know it, but apparently advertising studies have shown that if you claim that something is from Europe, or that Europeans like it, or use it, or invented it, or are connected with it, it MUST be sophisticated and wildly good.
I'm not kidding. They use Europe over here to sell stuff and much as they use sex. And when you combine Europe and Sex, well, you could sell used shoe soles with it. For lunch!!!
Let's look at a few things that are sold because it's "European." For starters, there's breakfast cereal. Yep. Musleix or some such as that. Europeans ate it. Advertisers make it sound like it pops up out of the wheat and oat fields over there. Gotta have somma that stuff.
Some sort of hair remover comes from over there, too. Women over here slather it on like it was going out of style. If you could corner the market on that, you could get filthy rich.
And god knows that all sorts of hair products are better done over there. Especially if it's got a French name. Makes me ill. I notice that the French don't seem to use their right hands for much. You always see 'em in ads brushing their hair, teeth, what have you with their left hands. Why is that? The French think the right hand is to be used for surrenderin' only or sumpfin'?
You think I'm making all this up just so I can be funny and popular, but I'm not. I'll bet there are other Yanks here who have noticed the same thing.
If it's European, we just gotta have it. Unless of course, it comes from Oz. Now for some reason stuff from Oz has taken off over here like Moody's Goose. Aussie Hair Treatment. Sells by the carbouy to each and every housewife. And you ought to read the label! All the stuff they claim the put in there. Christ, you'd think it would explode!
And resturants over here JUST GOTTA use french on the menu. Really tiring. One night I ordered deep fried porcupine with oak leaf cluster. I thought they were gonna throw me outta there.
There's a lot to trash about this country. Except one or two things. Like we saved your balls for you twice last century. If not for us ALL YOU PEOPLE would STILL be speaking German. And we gave up a lot of good, bright, young American lives to do so. Yeah, it was in our interest, too. But lots of us are still over there pushing up daisies. And we've been covering your asses elsewhere, too. You think when Regan bombed that jerk-off Kadafhi it was for our benefit only? You think Sadam won't soon get a delivery system that can reach London loaded with anthrax or small pox or some other horrendous disease sooner or later?
I think Bush is being too liberal. If I was the president and discovered ONE SINGLE small pox virus in Iraq, I'd nuke the entire country until it was nothing but a glass parking lot. Small Pox. Any population that countenances a leader who would even JOKE about the reintroduction of small pox deserves to be vapourized on the SPOT. You ever seen any pictures of people who have died from small pox? You don't want to. And now I hear the bastard's trying to weaponize E - FUCKING -BOLA. Read "The Hot Zone" and get back to me on that.
Ok, I'm done with the soapbox. Somebody else's turn.