
by restorebeauty 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SYN

    As a Dub, I would heap vitriol upon anyone criticizing my religion! Now, as an Apostate, I heap vitriol on anyone promoting my old religion!

    In fact, the only thing that's changed is who I heap my vitriol on!

  • Dismembered

    Welcome to the board Restorebeauty

  • DanTheMan

    The following is copied and pasted from

    Why Disfellowshiped Persons Often Defend the Watchtower

    What a surprise it is for many who encounter a person who defends the Jehovah's Witnesses both in belief and practice, only to find out that they were disfellowshiped and no longer associate with the Witnesses!

    One would think that being away from the Watchtower for a time would allow them to investigate the teachings of the WT, and discover its errors. But this is often not the case. Why? Here are a few mind-controlling factors:


    Many who leave the Watchtower were "practicing sin," either sin as defined by the Bible or perhaps just by the Watchtower (such as smoking or celebrating holidays). The victim's conscience is pained, constantly reminding him of his wrongdoing, and also preventing any objective examination of the organization itself (as to teachings and history). Any effort to examine "apostate literature" or even to go back and read out-of-date WT Literature would be thought of as an attempt to justify their own sins, leading to further guilt.


    Fear now takes control, as the disfellowshiped Witness is convinced that the devil is out to stumble and confuse him even further, especially by allowing doubts about the organization (which is "doubting Jehovah himself"). Fear of punishment from God continues to "protect" the victim long after leaving the WT. Any attempt to critically investigate the WT is squelched by this very effective thought-stopping process.

    The Love Affair

    This refers to a JW's love affair with the organization. Though it would seem to be over if he has been disfellowshiped, the victim still longs for the sense of camaraderie, the unity and the predictability of the WT organization. Since he had become so dependent on the organization for everything, he will now play the role of the jilted lover, hoping to get his "loved one" back. Since "absence makes the heart grow fonder," every little pain and struggle will remind him of the "mother" organization.

    What You Can Do

    Any attempt to correct a victim who struggles with the above may be met with instant rejection. They are driven by powerful impulses planted by the organization when they joined. Rather than to attempt to reason with these ones using the Bible, it might prove much more effective to arrange for them to hear the testimony of someone who is an ex-member of another cult, and how they struggled through the same kind of fear, guilt, and perhaps even a "love affair" with their organization. Parallel struggles in the lives of others may be just what is needed to open up their minds.


    When I was in, I was totally sensitive to JW criticism, even though I wasn't a diehard, door-knockin' J-Dub by any stretch of the imagination. I don't think that the "love-affair" analogy could be more appropriate. Loyal J-Dubs, regardless of their level of involvement, defend the WT for the same psychotic reasons a battered wife defends her abusive husband. The husband in this case constantly reminds the wife how good and benevolent he is, and how evil his critics are, and how shameful it would be if she ever gave ear to any of those critics who just don't understand what a really good guy he is and spread terrible lies about him in order to tear her away from his benevolent goodness.

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Thanks for passing that along, Dan. The article does explain the thinking process. I still want to pound my head on the wall when I am having a discussion of that type, but at least I know why now.

    I think I will have to learn to keep my mouth shut, as I expect way too much critical thinking, way too soon.

    Edited by - concerned mama on 7 August 2002 22:3:11

  • DanTheMan

    concerned mama:

    freeminds has a lot of interesting articles about WT psychology. You may find them interesting. It wasn't doctrinal stuff that got me out of the WT (you can go around about doctrine all day long), it really was the fucked-up psychology of the whole thing that got me thinking enough to where I finally was willing to take a critical look at what I was involved with.

    Be patient. Be VERY patient. The WT is a manipulative, propagandistic machine that gets WAY into the heads of its adherents.

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