JWZone Thread on Bill Bowen - UPDATED!

by SYN 170 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • seven006

    <<<Does this mean that because you dislike Prisca, EVERYONE should dislike her??>>>

    Not at all, that is not my intention. In fact it is quite the opposite. I do not dislike Prisca I simply do not like what she has done and continues to do. She has friends that I also consider friends and would like to keep it that way. I realize that once you meet a person on this board in person you tend to develop a friendship beyond the boundaries of this board and I think that is great. In my statement I did not and would never implicate all Australians, that is stupid and childish. But, because of things Prisca has been deeply involved with an attitude about some of my friends who live in Norway continues to persist. Not only does the prejudice about those who have participated here that live in Norway but it gets pushed over to those who consider those Norwegians friends.

    I do have a problem with one of her friends Teejay. He knows it and also has a problem with me. Any time I make a statement to Prisca he runs to her aid waving his little "your not nice" flag and jumping up and down like a little puppy. I consider the source and give him a little kibbles and bits to play with and a few words to look up on his spell checker and he eventually goes away.

    As much as I hate what happened on this board and the division it caused it never seems to go away. Every time a snide remark is made about Norwegians or something sarcastic is said to someone who considers them friends it erupts again. The exact issue may not be brought up by Prisca but her constant childish remakes made to those who she knows are friends with the Norwegians sparks little wars all over again. Mommy came on a few months back and it only took Prisca a little while to start jumping on her. I'm sick of it.

    Alan F. and Farkel are also my friends as they are also friends of Kent, Jan, and Norm. Her dislike for them and snide little remakes to and about them continues to grate at me. Once she starts little Teejay swings in and puts in his half cent. Again, I'm tired of it. Alan F. has gotten out of line and I rode his ass for it just as he has done to me. We get out of line sometimes and we need our friends to point that out. That's what real friends do. Since I have not seen one of Prisca's friends tell her she may be out of line and again stirring up shit, I do it for them. I don't care if Teejay or Prisca like me or not. But I do care about a couple of mutual friends we all have and I do listen to them and take their advice.

    I am not punishing anybody by my remarks to Prisca. I do not have that kind of power. Maybe I should have been more specific and simply pointed my comments to Teejay. The problem is when I do, he comes back with the same old tired news about the Danni issue that every person on this board seems to understand except him. I made a mistake, I investigated the person who started the trouble and found it to be a hoax. I came back, apologized, explained, and moved on. Everyone seems to have accepted it except for Teejay. All it does is make him look like the immature little man that he is. If you thought I was including you in that statement I apologize for that. I don't even know you and the fact that you live in the same country as Prisca is irrelevant to me.

    This is all going to end one way or another. Keeping little childish remarks to ourselves will help. When Prisca stops then I will leave her alone and that's a promise.

    Take care and thanks for your comments, I will take them to heart.


    Edited by - seven006 on 9 August 2002 1:8:12

  • seven006

    <<<seven006,You talk like a cop. Or a lawyer. Or a politician, running for office.>>>


    Except when you are addressing me you talk like a guy that has some brains and some real compassion for others. I have enjoyed several of you latest posts.


  • Farkel


    Thanks for your comments.

    I'm sad that this thread was derailed over this nonsense. This thread was, after all, about Bill Bowen and the JWZone.

    I apologize for my part in derailing it, but I stand by my words.


  • larc

    I am in a quandry. I like all the players in this drama, and it pains me to see the fights that break out. I guess I could go through all the participants and list their strengths and weaknesses, as I see them. Of course, that would probably irritate everyone, especially any hint at a weakness, but I am going to take a stab at it. Seven006, like you, I like Prisca, but I do think that the she does bring trouble upon herself. I have sometimes read one of her posts where she brings up old injuries, and I think, "Oh no, here we go again." Sometimes I wish she would leave sleeping dogs lie, and not "keep account of the injury." Regarding Teejay, there was a time when we did not like each other, and shared our common perception in private e-mails. Later, we had a total turn around, again, via private e-mails and now we are good friends. I do agree that Teejay does have a tendency to run to the rescue of the fair maidens, and by doing so I think his judgement can be clouded. (Sorry, Teejay, I have to call it as I see it). I like Farkel, have exchanged e-mails with him, and given him some advice and support when he needed it. Nonetheless, I was suprised at his attack on Prisa. Again, I was asking myself, "Why did he do that?" Seven006, your words were eloquent, hard hitting, but maybe they needed to said. I will only disagree with you on one point. You described Kent's action as being in "poor taste." I would agree with Hmmms, word choice. I think Kent's actions were despicable.

  • Beck_Melbourne


    I did appreciate your comments. I don't wish to get too heavily involved in this one, as it seems to go way back from the sounds of things.

    I note though - just an observation - that the snide remarks you mention have gone both ways. I have seen comments like "borrowing Prisca's sarcasm" and "I hate to be right" by one of your friends mentioned...these came from out of nowhere and this person was not inticed to make those comments at Prisca at that time. Yet you and others overlook her snide remarks. Kids like equality, that's all I'm saying.

    Yesterday I was viciously attacked Dave, and called an Aussie b*tch, this was quite uncalled for...and it was because I dared to speak against one of your Norweigian friends. I did this NOT to provoke a fight, but this whole hypocrite vrs hypocrite thing seems to be way out of focus...some of the ones saying it are also practicing it...but only a few see it.

    I do appreciate the fact that you did not intend to implicate all Australians...that softens my heart a little. It is with a great injustice that this ongoing feud has turned into an Anti Aussie crusade, it makes me and possibly others fearful of posting, which is why I took the liberty to ask you what you meant.

    As for Teejay, I will sort him out in my S&M chambers - he SHALL be punished Dave!


  • Reborn2002

    Seven006 & Prisca

    Can't you just feel the love in here?

    ( insert sarcasm as needed for amusement )

    Edited to add: Lighten up folks! I like both of you, I hate to see you argue. Also: the sucky azz pic is a .gif image, you may have to right click it then "show picture" to see it. *sigh*.. all in the name of trying to cheer people up.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 9 August 2002 2:3:29

  • RandomTask


    I don't really understand this infighting between the two of you. I mean just get a room allready!

  • Prisca

    Not at all, that is not my intention. In fact it is quite the opposite. I do not dislike Farkel I simply do not like what he has done and continues to do. He has friends that I also consider friends and would like to keep it that way. I realize that once you meet a person on this board in person you tend to develop a friendship beyond the boundaries of this board and I think that is great. In my statement I did not and would never implicate all Americans, that is stupid and childish. But, because of things Farkel has been deeply involved with an attitude about some of my friends continues to persist. Not only does the prejudice about those who have participated here that live in America but it gets pushed over to those who consider those Americans friends.

    I do have a problem with one of his friends Seven007. He knows it and also has a problem with me. Any time I make a statement to Farkel he runs to her aid waving his little "your not nice" flag and jumping up and down like a little puppy. I consider the source and give him a little kibbles and bits to play with and a few words to look up on his spell checker and he eventually goes away.

    As much as I hate what happened on this board and the division it caused it never seems to go away. Every time a snide remark is made about Americans or something sarcastic is said to someone who considers them friends it erupts again. The exact issue may not be brought up by Farkel but his constant childish remakes made to those who he knows are friends with the Americans sparks little wars all over again. Refiners Fire came on a few months back and it only took Farkel a little while to start jumping on her. I'm sick of it.

    Refiners Fire and Teejay are also my friends as they are also friends of Beck_Melbourne and LDH. His dislike for them and snide little remakes to and about them continues to grate at me. Once he starts little Seven007 swings in and puts in his half cent. Again, I'm tired of it. Refiners has gotten out of line and I rode his ass for it just as he has done to me. We get out of line sometimes and we need our friends to point that out. That's what real friends do. Since I have not seen one of Farkel's friends tell him he may be out of line and again stirring up shit, I do it for them. I don't care if Seven007 or Farkel like me or not. But I do care about a couple of mutual friends we all have and I do listen to them and take their advice.

    I am not punishing anybody by my remarks to Farkel. I do not have that kind of power. Maybe I should have been more specific and simply pointed my comments to Seven007. The problem is when I do, he comes back with the same old tired news about the photo issue that every person on this board seems to understand except him. I made a mistake, and moved on. Everyone seems to have accepted it except for Seven007. All it does is make him look like the immature little man that he is. If you thought I was including you in that statement I apologize for that. I don't even know you and the fact that you live in the same country as Farkel is irrelevant to me.

    This is all going to end one way or another. Keeping little childish remarks to ourselves will help. When Farkel stops then I will leave her alone and that's a promise.

    Take care and thanks for your comments, I will take them to heart.

    After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

  • Imbue

    You maybe referring to remarks such as this one made by Prika. When this was posted I hadn't hadn't yet interacted with Prika. It's comments such as these that have endeared her to me, so...Please read my responses to her and note how she responds.

    bytheway..It is Prika, Teejay and Refiners that taught me to post old posts and make remarks. It is their second hobby. Teejay even demanded that I bring up old posts to prove my point. So, I'm only playing by their rules.


    Jedi Member

    United States of America
    Posts: 1309
    Since: Feb 23, 2002
    Re: Norwegians: Stick With What You Are Good At. Apr 29, 2002 13:25

    Atreyu says:
    Personally, instead of picturing USA as a nation of JWs, I think that the lifestyle of modern Norway is a copy of the American lifestyle. Norway is flooded with American films, TV soap, games, toys, sigarettes, soft drinks, hamburgers, sports equipment and clothing. Young Norwegians include American words and slang in their vocabulary and don't even know the Norwegian equivalents.
    I've never been to Norway but I've known a few Norwegians here in the US. My experience leads me to believe this statement. Some of them speak English better than Americans and a couple I've known have no accent at all. They sounded American and could bond with American youth through their shared media experience. I thought they were American when I first meet them.

    I don't have a problem with Norm's views. Some Americans have difficulty with foreigners criticizing their government. However, the US government acts as a terrorist and has effected everyone. So, in my opinion anyone has a right to voice their opinions about the US government.

    Emperor Class

    Vatican City
    Posts: 3967
    Since: Dec 16, 2000
    Re: Norwegians: Stick With What You Are Good At. Apr 29, 2002 18:57

    Imbue defending the Norwegians... what a surprise....

    Edited by - Imbue on 9 August 2002 6:33:43

  • Dia


    One thing sociologist missed is that exjws would post a topic like this, even linking to a jw discussion site.

    However convoluted or sidetracked this discussion may at times become, you're doing it!

    'Mutual respect' is not possible when it's one-sided. His criticisms were unfair.

    Keep it up! I'm proud of you (well, most of the time ;-)

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