<<<Does this mean that because you dislike Prisca, EVERYONE should dislike her??>>>
Not at all, that is not my intention. In fact it is quite the opposite. I do not dislike Prisca I simply do not like what she has done and continues to do. She has friends that I also consider friends and would like to keep it that way. I realize that once you meet a person on this board in person you tend to develop a friendship beyond the boundaries of this board and I think that is great. In my statement I did not and would never implicate all Australians, that is stupid and childish. But, because of things Prisca has been deeply involved with an attitude about some of my friends who live in Norway continues to persist. Not only does the prejudice about those who have participated here that live in Norway but it gets pushed over to those who consider those Norwegians friends.
I do have a problem with one of her friends Teejay. He knows it and also has a problem with me. Any time I make a statement to Prisca he runs to her aid waving his little "your not nice" flag and jumping up and down like a little puppy. I consider the source and give him a little kibbles and bits to play with and a few words to look up on his spell checker and he eventually goes away.
As much as I hate what happened on this board and the division it caused it never seems to go away. Every time a snide remark is made about Norwegians or something sarcastic is said to someone who considers them friends it erupts again. The exact issue may not be brought up by Prisca but her constant childish remakes made to those who she knows are friends with the Norwegians sparks little wars all over again. Mommy came on a few months back and it only took Prisca a little while to start jumping on her. I'm sick of it.
Alan F. and Farkel are also my friends as they are also friends of Kent, Jan, and Norm. Her dislike for them and snide little remakes to and about them continues to grate at me. Once she starts little Teejay swings in and puts in his half cent. Again, I'm tired of it. Alan F. has gotten out of line and I rode his ass for it just as he has done to me. We get out of line sometimes and we need our friends to point that out. That's what real friends do. Since I have not seen one of Prisca's friends tell her she may be out of line and again stirring up shit, I do it for them. I don't care if Teejay or Prisca like me or not. But I do care about a couple of mutual friends we all have and I do listen to them and take their advice.
I am not punishing anybody by my remarks to Prisca. I do not have that kind of power. Maybe I should have been more specific and simply pointed my comments to Teejay. The problem is when I do, he comes back with the same old tired news about the Danni issue that every person on this board seems to understand except him. I made a mistake, I investigated the person who started the trouble and found it to be a hoax. I came back, apologized, explained, and moved on. Everyone seems to have accepted it except for Teejay. All it does is make him look like the immature little man that he is. If you thought I was including you in that statement I apologize for that. I don't even know you and the fact that you live in the same country as Prisca is irrelevant to me.
This is all going to end one way or another. Keeping little childish remarks to ourselves will help. When Prisca stops then I will leave her alone and that's a promise.
Take care and thanks for your comments, I will take them to heart.
Edited by - seven006 on 9 August 2002 1:8:12