Shut the fuck up!
by SYN 170 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Shut the fuck up!
Don't you think Farkel has a big enough ego without people like you adding to it?
It seems some people put the hero worship they once applied to the GB and have transferred it to egomaniacs like our friend Farkel here.
That attack on Prisca was unnecessary. What is is to be gained by us, who have escaped the clutches of the WTS by whatever means and for whatever reason, attacking each other?
Only a few short years ago I would have reacted the same way as those "blinded" 'dubs on the JWZone board. I was brainwashed into thinking anyone who attacked the WTS was attacking Jehovah himself. I believed that everything the GB said was the absolute truth and they would never lie. Now I know different. In a way I feel sorry for those posters on JWZone and only hope that they too will see the truth about the WTS and get out.
Those of us who are out should unite to help them if/when they arrive here. Attacking each other does no good.
Looking up from washing Farkels feet..........
I agree with Mackin.
All these name callings among us is exactly what the jws at the zone would love to see. We don't have to hurt ourselves. Aren't we here to support, not tearing out eachother?
: I do help people who have left the JWs
I'm sure you do, but let's look at the timeline, shall we?
Explain to we dummies how they GOT in the position so you could "help" them, my dear.
Please be precise, Prisca. This is not to invalidate you, but this post is to rather validate those not like you who march to a much different drum so you can "help" those we've helped before you stepped in to "help" them next.
Farkel, you really are as egotistical as I feared you were!!
you can "help" those we've helped before you stepped in to "help" them next
Who is "we"?
And how do you know this group of "we" actually helped people that I've helped?
Or are you ASSuming that all the credit for bringing such people out should go to you?
Thanks for the laugh Farkel, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day!!
I guess we'll just ask them to step forward, huh?
And if they do, we can measure stuff.
If they don't then we'll never know. It'll be that you're legend in your own mind, or I'll be one in mine.
If just one of the people you've "helped out" due to your fine efforts steps forward and none of the people I've helped steps forward then you win, and I will bow down to you and worship your wonderfulness. Honest.
I really feel sorry for you Farkel, if you think it's a competition. After all, you are assuming that the people I've helped are on the internet. One of them isn't. She's never used the internet in her life.
Please explain how you've helped her before she called me for help.
This is the kind of thread that gets the adrenaline going; makes you want to get out your guns!!