I noticed a couple of things on that thread. They referred to Bowen's supporters as his followers. In other ways, they imply that he is doing all of this for his own glory. By doing so, they minimize and question the sincerity of his efforts. I don't believe they said that he may have pedo tendencies, but they did say that Bill was attracted to perversion. This, of course, is another attack on his motives. I am not surprised at what they wrote. It is very similiar to what JWs, who came here, said when they tried to defend their religion. One poster referenced several WT articles, and claimed that the organization suggests that members go to the police. Of course, this is not true at all. Although it is disheartening to see their convoluted thinking, but for every one of them, I bet there is a JW that was profoundly effected by what they have learned.
JWZone Thread on Bill Bowen - UPDATED!
by SYN 170 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
LARC makes sense. It's like the Bill Bowen we know, Victim's Advocate, founder of Silentlambs, fearless Spokesperson for Sexually Abused Children is not the man they speak about.
JWZone Bill Bowen is an Evil Apostate, Rabble Raiser, Founder of a Cult of followers, etc.
How do we reach them with the real image?
: Thanks for the tip, asshole.
: Edited to add: I liked it better when your post just said "nitwit" at the end.
I edited it to give you the benefit of the doubt. Obviously, that was an error on my part. Won't happen again.
Honestly, guys, does it always have to come down to this in fighting?
Here's a good post (thanks, SYN) , a good discussion..... maybe we can gain some insight, but no.... a battle has to erupt between different posters. I think we are on the same team. This is like a business deal: we can play to win or we can just play. I want to win against the JW's policies, etc. I don't need to criticize them everyday to do positive deeds to fight them. We need our combined talents to do that. And just because Amac makes a statement comparing us to them (and yes, sometimes we are pretty idiotic, too) he doesn't become the enemy.
It's like that "sociologist" asked in a thread yesterday: are we immature and unbalancedand fanatical?
One of his questions
5) Without questioning the sincerity of many current or former JW's, what is gained by constant efforts to criticize or condemn the other side?
Look at these people at JWZone...and you are pissed off right?
WHY? Do you see yourself? Not yourself TODAY....but yourself in days and years gone by when you were a dub? I bet most people here would have reacted exactly the same way, when we were dubs. When you are a loyal dub the organization can do no wrong. The governing body is powerful because of the strength of the belief their followers have....and for NO other reason.
I happen to agree that the penbdulum for many of us here has swung entirely too far the other way....and thats OK....but when we can see that and acknowledge that then we can grow and heal. While the pendulum is all the way opposite the JW side...we won't heal. We nurse wounds with moderation, even when we have amputated the limb violently first, before they heal.
Some among us are disgruntled with LIFE, not just JWs.
Nanoprobe, and Gravedancer, I agree with your comments.
Three years ago, I used to be a poster on pro-JW boards alongside some of those posters on JW Zone. And had the Bill Bowen thing errupted back then, I may well have reacted just like those guys. Forgive them, for they know not what they do.
Hopefully, one day they will see the real "truth". Until then, let them find out for themselves what is truth, and who is really promoting falsehoods. And I hope we will be there to help them with their anger and disillusionment.
*waves hi to Dang*
"On Friday, September 27th of this year Bill Bowen (of Dateline "fame")and his followers are planning to march on the Society's office complex, located at 25 Columbia Heights. He then intends to have each of his followers come forward and tell how Jehovah's Organization has ruined their lives. He has written a letter to the [Society] demanding that a judicial committee of 3 elders be convened to put on trial members of the Governing Body. He states that among other things the Governing Body is guilty of apostasy, lying, and unchristian conduct. Since it is obvious his demand is ludicrous and will not be honored, he will then use this to, as he puts it, show the "Watchtower Organization's ongoing efforts to shield pedophiles." He says that once he presents his evidence of this that if they demonstrate remorse they should be publicly reproved and if they do not demonstrate godly sorrow and remorse that they should be disfellowshipped. It is obvious that he feels he must right the wrongs in the organization and Jesus's use of the "faithful and discreet slave" is no longer valid."
All I got to say, is I hope Bills lawer sues the shit out of this guy, for slander, and libel.
:Hopefully, one day they will see the real "truth". Until then, let them find out for themselves what is truth, and who is really promoting falsehoods. And I hope we will be there to help them with their anger and disillusionment
"We will be there."
How in the heck can people like you say "we will be there" when you never did dick to help them get "there" FIRST, Prisca?
Who helps those folks to see the real "truth?" People like you?
If "yes," please explain your contribution. I'm not holding my breath.
You take the "prizes" (dubs who finally figured it out) that others have made and then make them your own so you can "help" them. And you pick on people like me and many others who deliver them to you on a platter so you can "help" them .
Most of my friends don't understand you, to put it nicely.
I don't understand you, to put it precisely.
And that's all all I want to say about that.
My hero!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have to "explain" myself to you or any of your so-called "friends".
I do help people who have left the JWs. However, unlike you, I don't make a big song and dance about it, nor do I attach labels of self-importance to myself.
Get off your soapbox Farkel and join the rest of humanity.