JWZone Thread on Bill Bowen - UPDATED!

by SYN 170 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • seven006

    Syn, Plm,

    You are right, I'm a bad boy. I'm sorry. You aren't going to make me hug Teejay are you?


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    It's painfully apparent that they think Bowen is a dutiful son gone wayward, but he'll be back; and when he marches on the Society's headquarters in NY he'll be bringing in new converts. Ugh. Their self-righteous and delusional banter makes my stomach turn.

    I would have one question to ask them though: If their daughter, mother, sister, aunt, etc. were sexually abused by some religious leaders and treated in the way we have seen demonstrated again and again, would not their stomachs sour like milk with vinegar? I wonder how many tunes would change.

    But remember what they are dealing with, and the enveloping mind alterations.

    What I would like to ask you kindly ladies and gents in this thread is this: Do you feel guilty for some things you might have done in the name of the Jehoovers? Something that might have been cold, inconsiderate or lacking in empathy or compassion? I know I have. And I really regretted it.

    Country Girl

  • teejay

    Hello again, seven006.

    >> Her thread about "which do you prefer tissues or hankies" helped me a lot. I found her in-depth comments on such a helpful and important issue very enlightening. It changed my life and since that post, I only use hankies now.

    If I cared enough, I could dredge up a thread or two that your mentor ... uh, excuse me, friend has started here. I've started one or two myself. People get bored. Real people, that is. If memory serves, YOU have started a thread yourself that has already gone down in JW.com history as the most ... how can I say it politely? I guess I can't. Exposed *you*, though.

    >>> I'm just glad all the hubbub about her getting all sideways when someone posting her real picture several months back has died down.

    Great. Now we got a "real man" talking about the photo somebody puts up. I don't know... I'm from Arkansas (a brag, I don't mind saying) and back home we care more about what a body says rather than what they look like.

    >>> You know she has a problem with anyone who shows they have any kind of a brain so knock it off Fark!

    While we're talking about brains, how's Danni doing? Remember her? Have ya heard how your law enforcement officer friend is getting along? How's the progress coming on those elders she ruffed up a while back? They in jail now, or what?

    Or did she just... um... disappear? Almost like into thin air? You got *your* nerve talking about "brains" on *this* board. Brains, indeed!! (Where's AlanF when you need him?!!)

    >>> You know she considers anyone smarter than her as having an ego. As we have all seen through the past few years she has to be right.

    No, see above comment. The one who always has to be right is YOU.

    >>> Come on Teejay, Farkel isn't better than Prisca, a hell of a lot smarter and may have a lot more depth but he is not better!

    I would ask you to give *your* definition of the word "smart", but I'm afraid that you'd be called into the deep end of the pool and would drown forthwith. That would be bad, yes. So, I won't do that to you, considering this is a public forum with sensitive sensibilities. Can't see somebody dying a slow death. At least, NOT AGAIN.

    >> I personally think intelligence and depth are misunderstood on this board. Think about it, who's better, Mickey Mouse or Gaudy?

    Do you mean Gandhi? I've never heard of "Gaudy" but then... I'm stupid like Prisca, so what do *I* know?

    >>> Who brought true happiness to people? A guy who wanted to help stop suffering and oppression or a little mouse with big ears and three fingers on each hand that built a nice place to ride roller coasters?

    There you go with the big words again. Define "happiness." While you're at it, define "brought."

    I could go on, seven006, but it seems that you have not served yourself well by resurfacing in this particular thread.

    Need a lifesaver?

  • seven006


    Does this mean you don't like me? Oh my god, I don't know if I can take it!!!!!! Somebody please save me!!!!!

  • teejay

    It's not a matter of me liking you or not (I wonder why that matters to you... watch yourself).

    It's just that I have figured you out. Have you figured *you* out, seven006?

    You said some things (again) that were out of line. I only commented on what you said. Me liking you (or not) ain't the issue. Besides, why would a man even care if another man "liked" him or not, anyway? You were just joking, right? I know.

    As I said... you have done yourself no favors dipping into a thread in which your mentor... er... I mean "friend" took issue.

    you guys crack me up.

  • In_between_days
    which is a good half of what sets off my creep alarm...i know his agenda is to "bring down the society"...oooh, what's new...but exploiting victims a second time and pretending to be concerned about the "victims" while offering them nothing! no share of the "donations" he's raising for their "healing"...no counseling...no support. totally unconscionable!!trying so hard not to be accusatory, but in my experience, there's only one sort of man so callous in his disregard for a sexually abused child.which is a good half of what sets off my creep alarm...i know his agenda is to "bring down the society"...oooh, what's new...but exploiting victims a second time and pretending to be concerned about the "victims" while offering them nothing! no share of the "donations" he's raising for their "healing"...no counseling...no support. totally unconscionable!!trying so hard not to be accusatory, but in my experience, there's only one sort of man so callous in his disregard for a sexually abused child.

    I wish this person was standing here right now. I cannot even describe the complete contempt I feel for what the WT has done to this persons mind. What a slanderous and despicable thing to say.

  • seven006


    As usual what I say and the meaning intended has again gone right over your head. You are so easy pal! BTW, Fark is not my mentor, I'm his!

    You crack ME up!

  • siegswife

    One thing for sure, Bill hasn't been causing any divisions. They all seem to be of the same 'mob mentality'.

    BTW, I'm talking about the dubs, but as that saying goes about shoes fitting...


  • notperfectyet

    Farkel is my mentor!

    < looking up mentor in the dictionary>

    Yes he is!

    Teejay.......why are you so jealous?

    <looking up jealous in the dictionary>

    Yes you are!

    Help me please Teejay..I will follow you.......

    <looking up follow in the dictionary>

    I can worship who I want.....Farkel is not a jealous god.

  • LDH

    1. I wear the label of Apostate .

    2. Because of this, not ONE of my former JW friends will even have a conversation with me.

    3. See above. Because of this, I am not in a position to help ANY of them see the light of the "truth".

    4. The only people I know I've helped are people who email me, who've been reading me for a while, and people who I interact with on a daily basis. I make SURE they know the truth about the truth and they will never get sucked into this bullshit that masquerades as a religion.

    5. Does not helping a JW see the "light" mean my contributions are worthless? Isn't enlightening "worldly people" worth something?

    6. Why does everyone have to be measured with one stick? The principle of not letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing may be a valid one for this scenario. WHO CARES? Isn't the important thing making sure that anyone you come into contact with learns the truth about the truth?

    7. I'm 30 pounds heavier now (post baby) than I've ever been in my life. My usual weight is 140. Not bad for 5'11". If someone posted a picture of me at 170 (current weight, gimme a break it's dropping, I'm working out, and I'm still getting hit on weekly), I would definitely get riled. Unless they also posted pix of me at my best.

    8. Maybe one day, I will learn why everyone hates Prisca. I'm either stupid, oblivious, or both. YES I have seen her behave badly on occasion. HELLO she's a fucking human being. Y'all get off on kicking people or something?

    NPY behave!!!



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