That is quite bad ... but it made me smile.
Never really got up to much myself when I was involved, as I was WAY too concerned about a rock with my name carved on it, hurtling towards me from the sky. But when I walked away from the society, initially I went a bit loopy shall we say. Started drinking heavily, had sexual relationship etc Now I have settled down into a quiet/balanced life again.
I did witness others in the congregation getting up to very (un) Christian activity. Like drinking heavily and then being sick, messing about with sisters, swearing, fighting etc. Quite took me by surprise actually and I never could understand how these people who I believed were Gods' people, could behave in this way in good conscience. Two brothers were also very vocal about the society not having all the answers - shock horror !
One guy who was (and propbably is) an absolute arsehole I would love to name and shame ..... you know who you are J*** D** from Great Barr cong :o) What an absolute tosser - he was abusive / rude / arrogant / two-faced and to top it all, was a respected member of the cong' due to his servant status and *lovely talks*. They had him cut out to be an elder. At the meetings he was sweetness and light, but away from the hall, another person.
Very odd.
Edited by - Dizzy Cat on 7 August 2002 9:41:25