Apostates don't burn they just stay dead.

by Bleep 97 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bleep

    When the time comes for being judged in PERFECT conditions we will still have ridiculers picketing those who know God's word. Jesus planted a great seed for us all; why not take advantage of that now by learning instead of blaspheming?

    Funny how people think we are being judged now. Maybe if the Apostates stayed in God's Organization they would have learned some good Principles.

    Don't say me and YouKnow will burn since that is unethical to say. We don't think that way. The DO NO HARM principle to Ethics could also apply to that. We will not burn since Jehovah is a God of Love and Justice. Wisdom and power are Jehovah two other qualities that are shown thoughout the Bible.

    Have fun with this topic and state all your burning questions about hellfire.

  • plmkrzy

    wipes sweat from brow

  • hillary_step
    Don't say me and YouKnow will burn since that is unethical to say

    If You Know needed a little monkey on his shoulder I am sure he would be capable of getting one of his own, though your desire to squat on the Masters collarbone is well noted.


  • Crazy151drinker


    Maybe if the Apostates stayed in God's Organization they would have learned some good Principles.

    Such as:

    How to abuse your kids!

    Beatings keep the wife inline!

    Education is a tool of the devil!

    Vacinations will make you crazy!

    5 hours a day keeps the demons away!

    YOU KNOW BLEEP, Im sure someone would ask you about 'hellfire' if you knew what you were talking about, but since you dont, I doubt anyone will ask.

  • SYN

    Oh boy, another monologue. Bleep, right now, I find your posts approximately as exciting as watching grass grow, or possibly even as thrilling as a Windows 2000 installation.

    Wisdom and power are Jehovah two other qualities that are shown thoughout the Bible.

    Like when he opened the waters of the Red Sea with his nostrils! Sweet!

  • Bleep

    Crayzedude said,"YOU KNOW BLEEP, Im sure someone would ask you about 'hellfire' if you knew what you were talking about, but since you dont, I doubt anyone will ask."

    Ask away maybe you will learn something. Oh you need a thought to ask a question nevermind.

  • Crazy151drinker


    Since I know that your answer will be wrong, why should I ask the question?

  • Bleep

    Crazydrinka must have done all of those on the list since he brought it up. Or maybe since he can't do that he can't be a Witness thats it!

  • Bleep

    If one positive thought about the Bible can't be brought up in my topic then why post here? DUH!

  • Crazy151drinker


    . Or maybe since he can't do that he can't be a Witness thats it!

    You are absolutly right! I cant:

    Molest my kids

    Beat my wife

    Donate all of my time and money to a publishing company

    Praise ignorance

    Wait for 1975

    Beleive a bunch of worthless lies

    Watch loved ones die due to bullshit policies

    but obviously you can, thats why you are such a good Witness :)

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