Apostates don't burn they just stay dead.

by Bleep 97 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bleep

    No one want's to post anything for disfellowshipping topics?

    I found this great info about eating with people who are bad association.

    "In context with what Paul says above about eating the leaven of malice and wickedness would not his words mean, that one does not mingle intimately with an immoral person partaking of his mixture of evil thoughts and deeds and mixing it with a Christians sincerity and truth. Not eat with such a one is a echo of the words in verse 8 above, Let us celebrate the feast, not with the leaven of malice and wickedness....."

    Loads of people fit the profile on this Site oh my...

    Wickedness oh my!
    malice oh boy oh boy!
    evil thoughts of chicks oh no!!!!
    And don't forget those bad ethics of do no harm no no no!

    Soon I will teach some ethics than maybe some people could digest some Bible Scriptures.

  • larc

    Bleep, this is my second request for you to address my comments on this tread. While I am at it, I will make a second request on a subject on another thread, to wit, you stated that the Society has the same policies everywhere. I mentioned three distinct exceptions to your assertion, and you failed to address these discrepencies.

  • StinkyPantz

    Bleep, please answer this burning question: how old are you? It frightens many of us to think that you might be over 12, and I'm being totally serious.

    I will answer your questions but I'm sure that you will not respond. I've noticed that when people DO answer your questions w/o picking a fight you never respond.

    Why should mankind be judged now since we are not perfect?

    1. By asking this question you are making assumptions that do not apply to everyone here. Some do not believe in God, therefore they do not feel as if they are being judged.

    2. I shall speak for myself and how I feel about this. I believe due to overwhelming evidence that the JW view is flawed. Personally, I think that God can see our hearts and he knows if we are trying to serve him properly. Since we are not perfect he understands that both you and I, though different, are good people that love him and he judges us according to our hearts.

    Why say that this person is an Apostate since they are still in good standing with the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    1. I don't really understand the question due to your wording. But once again, God can see the heart right? Plus, we XJW's don't see the word "apostate" like you do.

    The question of a hellfire was raised again regarding Apostates. Does anybody go to a hellfire?

    1. Umm, "go to a hellfire"? "Burn in hell" I understand. Well, I personally haven't decided on this subject, but I tend to think that once we die, that's it. Maybe heaven, maybe nothing.

    You said: The Bible says, "Just as gale-force winds test the seaworthiness of a vessel, storms of opposition will reveal any weaknesses in our ship of faith." Too bad for those Apostates, they had some weaknesses .

    1. Haven't the weaknesses and apostasy of the WTBTS been revealed? (False prophecy, child protection policy the lack of), decreasing ranks, GB members leaving).

    You said: Witnesses are able to go to work and school along with the rest of the mortals its true. You are showing that you have a weakness since you are concerned about me. You should look at yourself and try not to judge me.

    1. You appear to be more concerned with XJW's than we are concerned with you. After all, you sought out this forum; we were not looking for you. And who is judging who? You started a thread saying how we're going to die and you aren't. Sounds like you are doing the judging.

    You said: I found this great info about eating with people who are bad association. "In context with what Paul says above about eating the leaven of malice and wickedness would not his words mean, that one does not mingle intimately with an immoral person partaking of his mixture of evil thoughts and deeds and mixing it with a Christians sincerity and truth. Not eat with such a one is a echo of the words in verse 8 above, Let us celebrate the feast, not with the leaven of malice and wickedness....." Loads of people fit the profile on this Site oh my...

    1. Many people on this site DO NOT fit this profile. Stop generalizing that all of us are the same!

  • TR

    Isn't "Bleep" a euphamism for a naughty word?


  • larc

    Hey bleep, are you going to address my questions to you?

  • Crazy151drinker
  • Bleep

    Hey Hillary,

    ashitaka quoted some music lyrics.

    So right after that I said "I see where you get your ethics from,HAHA.

    Thought you could figure that out since I posted right after the lyrics, DUH!

    Oh and lark. I do not need to answer your question of when the Watchtower material is studied since they all have the same study date. DUH!!!!!

    You see, all of the Watchtowers have the same meeting schedule, har har.

  • Crazy151drinker


    Larc is pointing out the fact that the WT has different policies in different countries. In some countries the WT allows the witnesses to serve in the Military. Did you know this? Have you ever asked yourself why the WT would allow Military service in some countries but not in the U.S.???

  • Bleep

    AND I am sure there is an article saying it is ok to slaughter your brother in other lands? Show me please!!!!!!!

  • larc

    Bleep, I did not ask about meeting schedules. I asked you to comment on the policy differences that exist in different countries. The most glaring example was the difference between Mexico and Malowie regarding military policy. Since I specificly pointed out this difference and several others in my post, I take your response to be a frivolous nonanswer. Brother Bleep, I hope your next comment will prove me wrong.

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