I never confessed, although I had precious little to which I should confess.... that was then, this is now, and you will be pleased to know I am working overtime to make up for lost sin opportunities.
My ex-wife, on the other hand, was a squeeler.... which I suppose isn't the same as a compulsive confessor. She seemed to take great pride in her stories about turning in her "friends" for the various wrongs they had committed. Strange, she could never figure out why they never liked her or hung out with her after that. She really seemed to think that they should have thanked her for turning them in. Surprise, surprise, they didn't like it.
But she never told the elder's about (gasp) our occasional (and rapidly diminishing in frequency) "oral sex" activities while married...or the oral sex before we were married, for that matter. Funny, once the wedding ring slipped on, she became totally uncomfortable with oral sex ("don't you know how wrong that is?") but she never confessed about it. I guess she just felt if she stopped doing it, she would be forgiven. Unfortunately, she did manage to stop.
Beck_Melbourne: do you have any openings in your basement shop of pleasure/pain?
Edited by - Quotes on 8 August 2002 23:59:24