The Confederate Flag
by Simon 109 Replies latest social current
Village Idiot: if you can't see the distinction between the two statements, then there's no point in discussing this further. -
Village Idiot
millie210: " it legal to fly a flag with a swastika in Canada or America?"
Marvin Shilmer: "In the USA, yes."
What about Germany which was the birthplace of Nazism?
FYI, World Net Daily is an accepted news feed for the Drudge report. If you don't go to the Drudge report website, then you are missing out on the stories that the major news media outlets won't touch. After the WT, I am personally done with letting a corporation control my information sources. Carry on.
I agree with you Simon- it is utterly disgusting to have a confederate flag flying at political buildings when it totally represents slavery and all that the " south " stood for during the civil war and before. It's a no-brainer to me too in that they should remove it. Especially after these murders.
In the High School I attended in Southern California years ago it was called " South " high school and their flag in the 1970's had a confederate soldier on it and the football team was called the " South High Rebels " . That was at a time when the mini series Roots was coming out and having this flag at our school caused a lot of racial tension in a school that was 33 % Hispanic, 33 % African American, and 33 % Caucasian . The principal was forced to remove the flag due to the riots it was causing within our school grounds and they FINALLY got the message on how offensive it was .
You are correct- America just does NOT get it. There are so many prejudiced attitudes especially in the Southern States and Midwest that it's ridiculous. It's so ignorant. Out west here in California it's better- however it just depends what community or part of the State or city people live in. One reason I wrote a song titled , " Prejudice and Ignorance. " Because prejudice and ignorance really IS all just the same
Village Idiot
zimunzucz: World Net Daily is an accepted news feed for the Drudge report.
World Net Daily, Drudge Report? You've got to be kidding.
I believe the person that committed this horrible crime stands only with the K.K.K. ideology that was started by Adolf Hitler on wanting to make a master white race.
If you think that the idea of a master white race started with Hitler you should go watch Birth of a Nation...
I haven't seen it, apparently it set the standard for many cinematography techniques still used today but it's theme is white rule which was an idea long before Hitler, one with widespread support in the USA (and other countries).
Also the first slavers in American soil were the Native Americans after the 13 colonies settled in, not the African Race that was forced into slavery 100 hundred years later.
Riiiiiiight. Let's try and blame the native Americans for all the slavery.
Slavery has existed in various forms throughout much of history but rarely at such industrial scale in the modern era. There is no way to excuse or dismiss it. It happened. the absolute very least that people can do is lower a flag that is frequently use as a symbol to champion those ideas.
Apparently though that is way too much to ask of some people. What are we to suppose but they are white supremacist racists?
I live here in South Carolina where all this church shooting and flag crap is going on. I have two observation to make.
Yes, there is a climate of racial prejudice in this area, practiced by a radical and minority on both sides. I happen to work in an environment where that minority (on the white side) is prevalent. When crimes committed by blacks hit the news the boys at work are quick to judge the entire race on the stupidity of the black offender. When this white boy shot up a church full of black folks... I heard crickets. Actually, I overheard one of our more voracious rednecks say, "The sad part is there were so many empty seats."
For the most part, I think mainstream black AND white folks couldn't care less whether that flag lives or dies. It's a non-issue that flares up amongst the "extremists" once in awhile and usually drags the rest of us reluctantly into the battle. I THINK I am sensing that correctly.
Those of us who don't really care one way or the other, I THINK, would like to just see the flag go away so we can be done with the stupidity. This issue flares up every couple of years around here, while you folks are getting a taste of it now because of the international attention on the church shooting. We also recognize that the only people who tend to fly the flag in their yards or on their vehicles, do seem to be of the type who are disappointed by the limited attendance at Emanuel AME church last week.
Correct me if I am wrong , Jehovah never condemned slavery .Anywhere in the Old Testament ,Hebrew Scriptures
Again , correct me if I am wrong ,Jesus Christ never condemned slavery .in the New testament ,Christian Greek Scriptures .
A flag that , in the eyes of some , condones slavery , obviously has the blessing of Jehovah God and his son Christ Jesus.
What more can a theist say,
From my completely detached situation here in the UK I can kind of understand the argument that the flag represents heritage and an implicit Southern spirit of freedom of speech, independence and not being dictated to by a detached government located far away. This is especially the case given how the Union flag and St. Georges Cross of England have been associated with the far right here. The fact is, however, that the Confederate flag is intrinsically linked with the US Civil War and what you cannot ever detach from the Civil War, from fight for some concept of "rights" is the implicit right to continue exploiting people as slaves.
I can accept that of all the people who choose to wear or fly the Confederate flag not all of them are racists and are trying merely to hark back to some romantic ideal of what the South represents, but from my limited time in the southern states it does seem that the majority of people I saw flying the flag did fit the stereotype of the bullish, knuckle headed redneck. Hardly the most inspiring of role models.
Surely you have to ask if the Confederate flag represents the spirit and heritage of South and perhaps has simply been hijacked by a minority for racist purposes, why so few, if indeed any, black people fly it on their houses, drape their cars with it and wear clothing with the flag all over it? Even if you maintain a romantic view of the Confederate flag it surely only represents the heritage of white people in the South? Is there any positive message regarding the history and heritage of black people in the South connected with the flag?
If we get rid of something every time it gets hijacked by nutters and extremists, then we can say goodbye to the German National anthem, the Union Jack, the Premier League, God save the Queen, 10 green bottles (10 German bombers) and Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (whales! whales! bloody great fish are whales..)