I want to look at the possiblity of whether people, at least in theory, could be resurrected.
When I was a witness I could see a major problem with the concept of a resurrection,as understood by the society.Trouble is I found it hard to explain to people, and only others who had thought of it themselves seemed to understand.
Basicly if a person dies, and you resurrect that person by copying all his parts exactly is that the same person coming back to life or, a new person with the same memories and feelings?Well to me its only the same person if they have continuity of existance.
If there was to be a resurrection what is it exactly you resurrect?Just a resemblense of the body and brain? If it is a copy of that person, is it really that person or a clone?If you were to be cloned know would that clone be you?I would say no.
In order for a resurrection to take place the same thing needs to happen to you as happens every time you wake up, you need to continue in existance.To have a person that has the same physical makeup is not the same, nor a person with the same personnality and memories, you need continued existance.Which raises alot of questions about what it means to exist.
What happens when we sleep and wake up why do we feel continued existance from the day before?.Is it just the fact that we remember our history that makes us continue as the same being?Well what or who does the remembering?We are more than just our memories.When we remmeber someything we may say "I remember that" clearly our memories are somthing we posses it is not what we are.You of course can loose your memories , how does a person feel then?I don't know.
If consciousness is just a function brain waves what actually causes it to be localised there?Couldn' t somone elses brian waves make me conscious?I am not conscious in anyone elses brain, each persons consciousness is linked only to them.
So how do you ressurect a person or make him continue in existance?To clone him I think will not work, as it is just a copy, the fact that we feel a continued existance makes me think that if we understood enought about our brains and consciouness we could resurrect people and for them to actually be the same people not just copies who look feel and remember the same things.
Edited by - sleepy on 10 August 2002 4:41:27