Let us not forget how the Watchtower views themselves!
Edited by - Beans on 10 August 2002 11:29:50
by Beans 72 Replies latest watchtower bible
Are you Bleep"N" Ok man? But really, have the Dubs "Broken away from an established religion"? if you do your research you will find that many of the Dubs principals were derrived from other religions and leaders of other faiths!
"They do not isolate themselves" OH MAN , I can recall as a child being told what to do and wear and who I should and should not associate with. What music I should not listen too and how to spend Tuesday Thursday Saturday and Sunday! What a wasted part of my life!
Why didn`t the Apostles go door to door? And if the anointed are Gods channel how come Brother Smart at my congregation is as surprised as I am when there is new light?
You know it is really funny that you say I don`t know about Gods earthly Organization, it was shuved down my throat for to many years man and I was smart enough to realize that it isn`t! If the Watchtower will allow you to open your mind as most cults don`t you will learn this:
Remember you were asked to invite critical examination of your faith...
WT Aug 15 1950 P.263
That, far from being wrong, it is your duty to examine religion to see if it's true or false...
WT Nov 15 1963 P.688
That you should actively examine your religion...
The truth that leads to everlasting life P.13
That you should check both sides of the matter...
Awake Oct 22 1973 P.6
That your religion was in no way afraid of being exposed to scrutiny...
Wt Aug 1 1978 P. 12
That you should be willing to submit everything to scrutiny...
Awake Aug 22 1984 P.22
That you should not have a closed mind...
Wt Nov 22 1984 P.22
That you should actively refer to the older publications...
Wt jun 15 1985 P.12
You are encouraged to exhibit freedom of thought...
Awake jun 8 as fact? 1994 P.21
So I ask you will you look at both sides of your religion? Or do you take everything from the WTBTS as fact?