Having finally accepted that the United Kingdom is not the centre of the Universe - I know, it hurts, it hurts - I have been boning up on some American history for a change.
First off, I have been watching a series on Sky that deals with the American Civil War. Wow, what an amazingly complicated conflict that was. I was astonished to learn that the the UK was about to switch it's allegience fron the North to the South purely for trade purposes so as to keep it's cotton mills spinning.
Secondly, I have been swotting through my encyclopaedia's for more information about this conflict. It is however, very limited in it's scope, and doesn't tell me much.
So, can anyone give me some recommended reading about all this?
Also, does this conflict still affect the lives of Americans in the present day? Is say, a Kentuckian a Kentuckian first or a US citizen first? (I was going to say Texan, but I always think of Texas first for some reason) I'm just trying to get some insights here, so any info would be appreciated, either here or via email.
Many Thanks,